A sorta normal day.

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Third person's POV:

Peter looked at his phone one last time before running into class. Lucky for him he has science so his teacher didn't mind him being late as long as it was spaced out and wasn't all the time. I mean Peter was the smartest in the school, missing 26 minutes was the least of the teachers worry's. If you could get a job teaching with just your IQ Peter could teach the science class himself.

As Peter snuck in the back towards Ned and MJ who watched as he tried to maneuver around everyone's bags and not get in the way of the teacher by being distracting. Ned and MJ smiled or more Ned smiled Mj raised her eyebrows in pride? Yep. That was it. Peter was a kind, and innocent cinnamon roll and they wanted to keep him that way.

Sadly the moment of proud-ness was ruined by the one and only Flash. He was watching Peter maneuver or crouch around everyone and their things. As Peter passed by, Flash bumped his water bottle off the desk making it drop in Peter's way, as Peter went to pick it up assuming he knocked it off the desk. Flash proceeded to try and step on his hand causing Peter to yank it back abruptly due to his spidey senses or as May calls it "the peter tingle." Their teacher who watched all of this happen told Peter to go to his desk and told Flash to knock it off.

When Peter got near his desk he saw Ned holding MJ's arm keeping her from flinging an algebra textbook at Flash. He assured her that he was fine but she didn't believe him till she looked at his hand and confirmed that Flash didn't do any damage to it.

During lunch Peter told them about the guy he texted and showed them their conversation MJ's  told Peter that he should text him back, Ned agreed cause no one dismisses MJ's judgement, usually she was right about these kinds of things.

The bell rang causing them to abruptly look up (Peter and Ned. MJ didn't do it cause she's a badass) Peter and Ned planned to meet up in two days (It's Monday so there meeting up on Wednesday) and try to build a Lego Star Wars X-wing. Did their cool hang shake as MJ, stared at them with a smirk after they did that she gave Peter a paper with her number on it. They then went there separate ways to finish the last two classes of the day. 

(437 words)

Have a nice day/afternoon/night!


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