Being the son of Amaterasu and a human Firebender named Jaoka, our main protagonist by the name, Sojo, is a pretty gifted and powerful Individual. Once he turned 15, he set out on his own to live his own life. Sojo traveled the world for some years...
Okay. So I feel I should explain a few things about Amaterasu. She is the goddess of the sun in Japanese culture. Yes, I know Tlok is based off of Chinese culture, but I wanted to use Japanese for The main character. Being one of if not the most powerful deity's in Japanese culture, her son 'the main character' in turn would be very powerful. Though he is a demigod being born from her and his father, a human firebender. There is a lot of lore behind Amaterasu, but I don't know a whole lot of it. It involves a lot of stuff about Tsukuyomi, Kagutsuchi, and Susanoo being her siblings and Izanami and Izanagi being her parents. I don't know a whole lot so I'll probably end up making up my own lore. She represents the literal rising sun that illuminates all things. She also provides nourishment to all living creatures and marks the orderly movement of day into night. If you want to learn more about her, look her up. There's so much info about her. It's pretty interesting. She doesn't really represent the color purple, I just added that because I thought it was cool.
Now onto our main protagonist. Sojo: Current Age- 18 Height - 6'4 Weight- 200lbs Hair color- jet black Eye color- Violet Skin tone- Limestone Build- Athletic. Good muscle mass, slightly less than Bolin.
Likes- Eating, fighting, partying, animals, music, training, charity, peace, and history.
Dislikes- Terrorists, bounty hunters, government officials 'unless they are fair', bullies, most police, liars, and corrupt spirits.
Protagonist relations: Jaoka- Father Amaterasu- Mother Haku- Childhood friend Tenzin- Friend/Mentor Pema- Friend Jinora- Friend/fan Meelo- Biggest fan Ikki- Fan/racing rival Mako- good friend Bolin- Best friend Asami- good friend/relationship coach Korra- Romantic interest Lin Beifong- crime fighting partner/friend Kya- Mother figure Bumi- Goofy friend There will be others down the line.
Weapons- Totsuga-no-Tsurugi blade. Clay tempered katana with intricately designed hilt and scabbard sharing red, gold, and green colors. The sword bears the symbol for sealing on the hilt as it is one of the blades many abilities.
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Sojo can channel his firebending through his blade much like Zuko did. This causes his attacks to be more precise and deadly. This blade is also known as the totsuga blade. It was made by the primordial gods of creation, Izanami and Izanagi. It was then passed down to Amaterasu. Then later to Sojo.
Special Ability's: Fūjikome- an ability that allows Sojo to use his bending to create an almost ethereal sphere of purple flames that can contain beings such as creatures, other benders, and some spirits.
Baioretto Akuma rei- an attack that allows Sojo to slash his blade and create a large and powerful ray of purple fire that can cut through most things. 'Kinda like Ichigo's getsuga tensho from Bleach?'
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Shōkyaku- an ability that engulfs Sojo in a cloak of purple flames, protecting him and acting as a shield. Also, if anyone gets too close to him, they will be "incinerated" hence the name. Sojo has a handicap with these abilities. He can't use more than 1 at a time because they take a considerable amount of energy to output. Especially his Baioretto Akuma Kōsen. Sojo can also use his firebending to fly. But instead of shooting fire from his feet, his entire body engulfs with his flames and propels him. Now, for Sojo's design.
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I'll create more designs for Sojo down the line like maybe some fun Sojo x Korra art here and there... possibly. Sojo has a messenger hawk pet named Nari that he uses to send letters to his father and friends back at home about his journeys and how he's doing.
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Also Nari is a female btw. Her and Sojo are inseparable, becoming the best of friends over their travels.