Chapter: 7 True Colors

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Previously, on The Violet Demon

Sojo and Tenzin enter a deep meditative state using a special technique, one which Tenzin learned from his own father, Avatar Aang. They both entered each others minds in order to see their respective pasts from each others eyes. In Tenzin's mind, Sojo got a good look at what came over him during the night of The Silent Hands attack, along with the night Mako pushed him too far. In our Violet Demons mind, Tenzin saw his most important childhood moments. Some beautiful and some not so much. He then witnessed the night Sojo experienced the most traumatic moment in his life. When he nearly lost everything. The dark presence within Sojo then grabbed hold of Tenzin and kicked him out of our hero's mind, ending the session. Now that both Sojo and Tenzin have received a more accurately painted picture of what was, our hero now knows what he must do. He must return home to his village in the fire nation, and find the answers he's been seeking for so long. But not until his business in republic city is finished. Not until he helps our Avatar complete her training. Not until Amon and his equalists... have been taken down.

Book one
Chapter: 7
True Colors

The Fire Ferrets consisting of Korra, Mako, Bolin, and Asami pretty much, have rammed their way to the pro bending finals through unmatched teamwork and coordination. Meanwhile, Amon and the Equalists have been up to their normal schemes and threaten to attack the arena on the night of the final match. The match between the Fire Ferrets and the Wolf Bats. Because of this intel, the counsel has decided to close the area in order to avoid any casualties. Much to the Fire Ferrets disapproval.

Korra, Mako, and Bolin are riding on Naga, currently on their way to city hall to try and sway the council's decision. They burst through the doors to see that the council has already made up their mind.
"Korra, you shouldn't be here. This is a closed meeting." Tenzin said, standing up from his seat.
"As the Avatar, and a pro bending player, I have a right to be heard. You can't cancel the finals." Korra replied.
"I know winning the championship means a lot to you, but as far as I'm concerned, we need to shut the arena down." Tenzin explained.
"What about the rest of you? Tarrlok, there's no way you're backing down from Amon, right?" Korra asked.
"Actually, Tenzin and I agree, for once." Tarrlok replied.
"The council is unanimous... we're closing the Arena." Tenzin said.
"No!" Mako shouted.
"You can't!" Bolin added.
"I don't understand. I thought you of all people would take a stand against Amon." Korra said to Tarrlok.
"While I am still committed to bringing that lunatic to justice, I will not put innocent lives at stake just so you and your friends can play a game." Tarrlok explained.
"Pro bending might only be a game to you, but think of what it means to the city. Right now the arena is the one place where benders and non benders gather together in peace... to watch benders..." Mako said.
"Beat each other up... in peace! It's an inspiration to everyone!" Bolin said.
"I appreciate your naive idealism, but you're ignoring the reality of the situation." Tarrlok replied.
"The reality is, if you close the arena, you let Amon win!" Korra explained.
"Yes, exactly what she said! Yes." Bolin butted in.
"I'm sorry, but our decision has been made. This meeting is adjourned." Tarrlok said as he picked up a gavel and attempted to hit a wooden block. But before he could, something wizzed by and pierced the gavel, taking it out of Tarrlok's hand to then pin it to the wall nearby. They all looked over to see the thing that did so. A familiar looking sword.
"Well, isn't this all a loud of shit." They heard a voice say. They all looked over to see Sojo leaning on a pew.
"Sojo!" Korra said with a happy smile. Tenzin sighed, preparing for what was about to come.
"Just what are you doing here, Sojo?" Tenzin asked him.
"Oh me? Just trying to keep the council from making a stupid decision." Sojo replied with a grin.
"You have no business here, Violet Demon. Leave at once!" Tarrlok demanded. With a sudden motion, Sojo was now in front of Tarrlok, quicker than anyone could follow. Tarrlok jumped back a bit with a startled expression.
"What insane speed. I didn't even see him move." Tarrlok thought.
"Thought I told you before. My name, is Sojo. As far as I'm concerned, there isn't a single bounty of me in this city. So keep that title out of your mouth." Sojo threateningly said to Tarrlok before retrieving his sword and walking to Korra's side.
"Closing the arena would be a wasted opportunity of taking out Amon and his Equalists, once and for all. Instead of avoiding these terrorists, bring the benders together and make a stand. Show a little backbone for gods sake you wimps." Sojo said.
"You disrespectful little-." Tarrlok said before Tenzin butted in.
"So what is it exactly that you propose we do, Sojo? Simply making a stand and fighting back could possibly put many innocent civilians at risk." Tenzin explained.
"Get some more help. Up the security. I'm sure the metalbending police force would be willing to pitch in. As would I." Sojo explained.
"You? And what exactly do you bring to the table, boy?" One of their other council members asked.
"Jeez, someone hasn't been keeping up. Haven't I already proven myself in this city through my actions? My first week here I put the Hunting Quintet behind bars. Previously republic cities most wanted criminals. Not only that, I fended off Amon's Lieutenant and the Silent Hand from Air Temple island. Saving not only the three next to me, Hiroshi Sato's daughter, and a few of my friends, but councilman Tenzin and his family as well. So at this point, I think my word should hold some weight, don't ya think?" Sojo explained.
"He... he does have a point." Tenzin spoke in Sojo's defense.
"Of course you would say that." Tarrlok said with disdain.
"I wholeheartedly agree with him." They all heard someone say. They looked to see Lin Beifong entering the room.
"Well well well. Chief Beifong. Long time no see." Sojo greeted her with a smile.
"I would say it's good to see you, but we've only ever had the one encounter." Lin replied with a grin.
"Hehe. I guess so." Sojo replied while scratching the back of his head. Lin then stepped up to the council members to speak.
"I expected this kind of cut and run response from Tenzin, but the rest of you? Come on, show a little more backbone, as Sojo here said. It's time the benders of this city displayed some strength and unity against these Equalists." Lin said.
"We must prevent the conflict between benders and non benders from escalating into all out war! I'm sorry Sojo. But the council is not changing its position, Lin." Tenzin replied.
"Now just a moment, Tenzin. While I do not see eye to eye with him most of the time, Sojo, and Lin here may be onto something. Let us hear what our esteemed chief of police has in mind." Tarrlok butted in.
"Sojo, remember that offer you made a while ago? In my office?" Lin asked.
"Sure do? What are you cookin up?" Sojo replied.
"If you keep the arena open, my metal benders and I, along with Sojo here, will provide extra security during the championship match." Lin explained.
"And you expect us to allow Sojo here to act as official security?" One of the other council members asked.
"Your permission isn't required in that regard. As chief of police I am granted the right to recruit the help from outside civilian volunteers that I deem to be an asset. And it just so happens, Sojo here has offered his services to us in the past." Lin explained.
"With his track record and his experience in dealing with Amon and his highly skilled chi blockers, along with my police force and I, there's no one better to deal with them. Our armor is impervious to their attacks." Lin explained.
"Are you saying that you will personally take responsibility for the safety of the spectators in the arena?" Tarrlok asked.
"I guarantee it." Lin replied.
"It is hard to agree with chief Beifong's track record. Along with Sojo's here, I guess. If she is confident her elite officers and Sojo can protect the arena, then they have my support. I am changing my vote. Who else is with me?" Tarrlok asked the council. All members excluding Tenzin changed their votes almost immediately.
"The arena stays open. Good luck in the finals." Tarrlok said to Korra, Mako, and Bolin. The three of them cheered with joy in response.
"And good luck to you, Chief Beifong and Sojo." Tarrlok said a little reluctantly as he gave a side eye to Sojo before turning away.
"A word, please, you two." Tenzin said to Lin and Sojo. They followed him down the hall before stopping.
"Tarrlok's playing you. And I don't want to see either of you get hurt." Tenzin said.
"You think I don't know that, Master? I don't care about Tarrlok's supposed change of heart back there. I don't trust him. Even a little. But you don't have to worry about me." Sojo explained.
"Or me. I know what I'm doing and the risks that come with it. And I'm sure Sojo does as well." Lin explained. Tenzin sighed in response.
"In that case, I'm going to be by your side during the match." Tenzin replied.
"You don't need to babysit me." Lin said coldly.
"It's for Korra. I want to make sure she's safe." Tenzin explained.
"Yeah. That's partially why I'm doing this as well. I still think back to that night at the memorial. What Amon could have done if I hadn't arrived in time. I won't let him get that chance again." Sojo explained.
"I understand, Sojo. She's in good hands." Tenzin replied, placing a hand on Sojo's shoulder.
"Do what you want, Tenzin. It's not like I've ever been able to stop you before." Lin said while walking away.
"Excuse me, Chief Beifong. I wanted to thank you for your help. It really means... a lot." Korra said as Lin ignored here and kept walking.
"You really know how to push her buttons." Sojo said to Tenzin.
"Tsk! What is her deal? Even when she's on my side she's against me." Korra said to Tenzin.
"I've known Lin since we were children. She's always been... challenging." Tenzin explained.
"She's not all that bad. She seems nice to me." Sojo said with a smirk.
"That's because you've done her job for her on a few occasions, wise guy." Korra replied with narrow eyes beaming at Sojo.
"What did your father do to her to make her hate the avatar so much?" Korra asked Tenzin.
"My father and Lin got along famously. I'm afraid her issues are with me." Tenzin explained.
"Ouch! Forgot flowers for a date? Or maybe you forgot the date itself? Hmm?" Sojo asked with a smirk, clearly catching on. Korra then gasped.
"Wait a second. It all makes sense now! You and Beifong, Beifong and you. You two were a couple!" Korra said with excitement, putting the pieces together.
"What?! How... where'd you get that idea?" Tenzin quickly questioned in defense.
"I dunno, master. Maybe it's written all over your face right now." Sojo replied, seeing Tenzin's panicking demeanor. Tenzin just looked over to him with a defeated expression and grumbled.
"And your wife." Korra added.
"Criminy! I'll have to have a word with her..." Tenzin said.
"So Pema swooped in and knocked Lin outta the game. Not bad not bad." Sojo said with a chuckle.
"Pema stole you from Beifong? I'm surprised our "esteemed chief of police" didn't throw her in jail." Korra said.
"Oh, she tried. Anyway, Pema didn't "steal" me. Lin and I had been growing apart for some time. We both had different goals in life... why am I even telling you two this?! It all happened a long time ago, and we've moved past it." Tenzin cut himself off and explained.
"Hmm, apparently Beifong hasn't." Korra replied.
"What do you...? Of course she has... right?" Tenzin glanced over at Sojo and asked.
"Hey, it's none of my business. Anyways, I better catch up with the chief so we can collaborate on our next steps. See you guys later!" Sojo said as he began walking away.
"Wait!" Korra said before pulling him back and hugging him.
"Thanks for your help in there. I owe you." Korra cooed as she rested her head against his chest. Sojo smiled and hugged back.
"Nah, it was no biggie." Sojo replied, looking down into her eyes.
"No seriously, I do." Korra insisted, fluttering her eyelashes and sliding her hand up his chest, which caused Sojo to blush. Noticing the romantic tension between the two, Tenzin started stepping away.
"I'll go ahead and give you two some space." He said before leaving the duo, causing them both to blush nervously and separate slightly.
"This is my chance. I need to ask her out on a real date." Sojo thought.
"Well, since you are under the impression that you owe me. How about we uhh... go out or something?" Sojo asked her. Korra immediately beamed with excitement.
"Really? Go out?! As in like a date?" She asked with excitement.
"Well uhh, yeah! Yeah, like a date. After you win the championship that is." Sojo replied while scratching the back of his head. Korra immediately flung her arms around his neck and rested her head against his chest once again.
"Absolutely!" She said with a happy smile. Sojo smiled as well before breaking the hug.
"Great! Well uhh... good luck in the finals. I'll be watching." Sojo said. Korra then shot him a slightly seductive grin before giving Sojo a surprise kiss on the cheek.
"I'm counting on it." Korra replied before walking past Sojo and meeting back up with Mako and Bolin.
"Man... she's just... wow." Sojo thought with a blush. Nari then flew down and landed on his shoulder, screeching at him.
"I know I know. About time." Sojo said to Nari.

The Violet Demon [Demigod Male OC x Avatar Korra] (Re-write)Where stories live. Discover now