Being the son of Amaterasu and a human Firebender named Jaoka, our main protagonist by the name, Sojo, is a pretty gifted and powerful Individual. Once he turned 15, he set out on his own to live his own life. Sojo traveled the world for some years...
The Avatar arrives at our hero's apartment in hopes to ask him for assistance with her training. The Violet Demon almost instantly agrees and travels to Air Temple Island with her. There, he met the famed master Tenzin and his family. After a much needed breakfast with the family, our hero and the Avatar get started with their first training session. After some small bickering and a sparing match, the Avatar finds herself too slow for our hero. But that won't stop her. Meanwhile as the days pass, Asami informs Mako about a new guy that Korra has been seeing in the form of Sojo. Full of curiosity and some jealousy, Mako seeks to find out more about this unknown stranger. Later during a late night training session, Mako goes to Air Temple Island and interrupts our two hero's having a heartwarming moment. But after witnessing a sparing match between the two, Mako became seemingly more jealous of the two and made it very obvious that he wasn't too impressed with Sojo. Seeming offended and a little fed up, Sojo confronted and stood up to the firebending stud. They went back and forth until mako went too far. Our hero then decided that enough was enough and seemingly began to become overtaken by rage. What will the outcome of this situation become? Will Mako learn a valuable lesson? Or will things only escalate?
Book One Air Chapter four Terrifying Power
Sojo was standing with his back to republic city. The Violet light from his aura was becoming so bright that it began to blot out the cities lights in the background.
"Sojo please. Calm down. Let's settle this another way." Tenzin pleaded, trying to shield his eyes. Sojo then started growling with pure rage, his eyes glowing bright purple and his aura intensifying. "Sojo just relax. I'm sorry, alright?" Mako said with panic in his voice. "You think I'm a freak? You think my missing arm is a joke? You wouldn't think that if you knew how I lost it. As well as what I became after!" Sojo said, his voice distorted as tears started forming in his eyes, thinking back to that day. "W-what you became? What do you mean?" Tenzin asked him with a concerned expression. Korra seemed shocked from hearing this. She now knew exactly how personal it was to Sojo. She would definitely have a few words for Mako later. But now, all that mattered to her, was Sojo. "Sojo please. Let's just stop this and talk it out. There's no need for this." Korra pleaded. But Sojo didn't respond. In fact, he didn't even hear what she said. It's as if his senses were dulled. His power just kept intensifying, the ground beginning to shake under everyone's feet. His figure appeared as nothing more than a warped silhouette from how bright his aura and flames became. He then erupted with power and heat, causing Korra and the others to stumble back.
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