Chapter: 5 The Attack

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Previously, on The Violet Demon

After receiving a much deserved scare from our hero, Mako ran into Sojo the next morning after their incident, full of guilt from the words he spoke. After apologizing to Sojo, they decided to let things go and work it out. Meanwhile an Equalist chi blocker managed to break into Sojo's apartment and steal his sword. But not unnoticed by our Violet Demon. Our hero caught up with the Equalist and defeated them in a very short and one sided scuffle. After that, Sojo took the chi blocker back to Air Atemple Island to be interrogated by Master Tenzin, Korra, and himself. During the interrogation, Tarrlok showed up and apprehended the Equalist himself, much to our hero's annoyance. Some time after that, Korra publicly challenged Amon to a duel to settle things, shocking and worrying our Violet Demon. What will he do next?

Book One
Chapter five
The Attack

We see Korra on a small boat, getting ready to head over to the Avatar Aang memorial statue for her duel against Amon. Tarrlok and some other officers were watching as Tenzin flew down with his glider and landed in front of Korra.
"Korra, this is madness." Tenzin scolded her.
"Don't try and stop me and don't follow me. I have to face Amon alone." She replied.
"This is all your doing!" Tenzin shouted to Tarrlok with spite.
"I tried to talk her out of it, too, but she's made up her mind." Tarrlok replied, trying to calm Tenzin.
"Lair!" A shout could be heard from the sky as Sojo could be seen flying down to them with his fire bending.

Once Sojo landed, he glared directly into Tarrlok's eyes.
"I was there for the entire speech earlier. You had that stupid creepy grin of yours plastered on your face the entire time Korra spoke. You wanted her to do this, didn't you?!" Sojo questioned him with malice. In response, Tarrlok just scoffed and looked away slightly.
"And so what if I did? She clearly wants to as well. Don't you get it? This is her choice. Not mine. This doesn't concern you anyway, so why don't you run along and go bother someone else." Tarrlok replied. Sojo then quickly stomped up to him and grabbed him by his collar, causing the officers behind him to step forward.
"Remember what I said to you? You cause her any harm. Any at all! And you're a dead man." Sojo explained to him in a deep tone.
"Sojo, that's enough. He's right. This is my choice and nothing you need to worry about. I've got this." Korra said, trying to calm him down. Sojo then let go of Tarrlok and walked over to Korra, Tarrlok now rubbing his neck in slight pain from his iron grip on him.
"Korra I know I said I trusted you. But this... this is just crazy. You've seen what he can do to benders and you haven't even seen his fighting tactics or style. What if he gets the jump on you? What if he doesn't come alone? What if... what if you..." Sojo said, trying to push the words out.
"Sojo. I'll be fine. Don't worry." Korra said, placing a hand on his cheek. He then grabbed her hand and removed it from his face, holding it tightly.
"I'm just worried something bad will happen. I know you're good Korra, but this is Amon we're talking about. I can't just sit by." Sojo explained.
"You don't need to worry. We'll be watching the island closely. If anything goes wrong, I have a fleet of police airships ready to swoop down. She'll be fine." Tarrlok explained. Sojo simply just glanced over to him with a glare before looking back to Korra with a worried expression.
"Are you sure about this?" He asked her. She just smiled and squeezed his hand.
"I'm sure." She replied. Sojo took a deep breath in and out then nodded before letting go of her hand.
"I'll be watching closely as well. If he does anything to you or tries to get the jump on you, I'll be over there immediately. Okay?" Sojo explained. Korra just smiled and nodded with a blush before looking to the memorial with a confident expression. She then took off in the boat towards the statue. Sojo just watched intently, worry still flooding his mind.
"Please be safe." Sojo thought as he clenched his fist.
Over at the memorial, Korra stood firm, awaiting her opponent. Suddenly, she hears flapping from the right and gets in a battle stance. Once she realizes it's nothing, she lowers her stance before the clock rang loudly, reading midnight. After waiting for a while, Korra became sick of waiting. She then sighed.
"Guess you're a no show, Amon, who's scared now?" She said before standing up and walking to the exit. As she walked past a large doorway, she was caught by a rope and drug into the doorway that lead to a large room filled with chi blockers. She tried using her fire bending to get free, but it was no use. She was then struck by the chi blockers and knocked unconscious.

The Violet Demon [Demigod Male OC x Avatar Korra] (Re-write)Where stories live. Discover now