Chapter: 3 Training Partner

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Previously, on The Violet Demon

Sojo has finally met our avatar Korra, after beating the supposed five most wanted criminals in republic city. Korra received some much needed advice from him on how to improve her understanding of airbending. Sojo was then arrested by metal benders and brought to Lin Beifong. After a short discussion with her and revealing to her that he was The Violet Demon, Lin was left skeptical of Sojo and his residing in republic city. Sojo then started his job at a local restaurant, where he met up with Korra again. After talking with each other more, and after standing up for one another, their understanding for each other, as well as their feelings for one another, only grew. After Korra revealed to our hero that she held feelings for her friend and teammate, Mako, Sojo fell into a state of depression. As for Korra, her feelings for Sojo are... confusing to say the least. But she feels that whatever those feelings are, they are growing. After hearing much about Sojo, Korra's airbending master, Tenzin, has requested her to bring him to airtemple island to aid in Korra's training.

Book One
Chapter three
Training Partner

Sojo had just awoken in his home after a very rough night with little sleep. Nari then screeched at him, telling Sojo to wake up.
"Yeah I know, Nari. I'm up." He replied with a groggy voice while getting out of bed. He then made some breakfast and ate it before entering his bathroom to shower. Sojo undressed and entered through the shower curtains and turned on the water. Hot water came out of the shower head, hitting his back, filling him with comfort and a moment of tranquility. That was, until thoughts of Korra filled his mind. He thought about how pretty she was, what with her beautiful blue eyes, her adorable hair, her perfect dark skin, her amazing figure, and her smile. Her smile filled him with happiness whenever he saw it. But, none of that mattered. She has a crush on someone else.
Sojo finished up in the shower and used his bending to heat up his body to the point that the water evaporated. He then threw on some pants and started brushing his teeth. He then heard a knock at his front door. He looked over at the clock. It read 6:22.
"Who the hell could be here this early?" Sojo questioned before he walked over to the door, continuing to brush his teeth.
He answered the door and almost spit out his toothbrush. Sojo was met with a very tired looking Korra who was nervously smiling.
"Uhh... morning, Sojo." She greeted him, while looking at his shirtless body. She trailed her eyes up and down from his chest to his abs. She also noticed his many scars on his muscular frame, as well as the stump on Sojo's left shoulder. She saw the large dark red scar on the stump that trailed over to his left peck. She then looked to his eyes with concern.
"I uhh..." She murmured before looking away with embarrassment.
"I wouldn't worry about it. It happened a long time ago." Sojo said with a serious expression.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to stare." She apologized. He placed his hand on her shoulder and smiled.
"It's alright, Korra. Really, I don't mind you looking." Sojo replied. She looked at you briefly before blushing and looking away again.
"So... what are you doing here this early?" Sojo asked her.
"Oh, right! So, last night I talked with Tenzin about you and how you gave me advice about my training. I guess Tenzin thought it was good advice and he now wants to meet you. So... would you want to come with me back to air temple island?" Korra asked. Sojo was beyond surprised to hear this. He had major respect for Tenzin, hearing about him throughout his travels and during his time in republic city. Sojo wasn't expecting someone like Tenzin wanting to meet him though.
"Uhh, Sojo? Did you hear me?" Korra asked, snapping her fingers in his face.
"Y-yeah! I'd love to come over and meet him." Sojo ecstatically replied.
"I've gotta finish getting ready though. Come on in." He said while standing aside for her to enter. She walked in and looked around.
"So this is where you've been staying since you've been here?" Korra asked.
"Yeah. I know it's not much, but it's home, for now." Sojo replied.
"Wait, for now?" She asked with a worried expression.
"Uhhh... yeah. Y'know, until I possibly get a better place." Sojo lied. He didn't want to tell her he wasn't planning on staying for too long, as he didn't want to potentially upset her.
"Oh, okay. I thought you meant it another way." She replied with relief. Sojo nervously chuckled before putting on the rest of his clothes. Nari then flew into the room and flew ecstatically around Korra.
"Hey, Nari! Ahh, careful." Korra greeted Nari, giggling as Nari flew around her head. Nari then perched herself on Korra's shoulder.
"Who's a pretty bird?" Korra said while scratching under her beak.
"Nari sure has taken a liking to you." Sojo said with a chuckle.
"Yeah, I guess so." Korra replied while petting Nari's wings.
"So, did Tenzin explain why he wanted to meet me any further?" He asked Korra.
"Well, he thinks you'll be helpful with my training in Airbending. Are you okay with that?" She asked.
"Of course! Anything to help you out." Sojo answered honestly. He didn't notice the huge smile, as well as the blush on her face after his due to him strapping his sword to his waist.
"Well, I appreciate it. It'd be nice to have some different company for a change." Korra replied.
"Hasn't any of your other friends visited you at the temple?" He asked her.
"Well, Mako has. When his brother was taken by the equalists. But that's it." Korra explained. Sojo couldn't help but feel somewhat jealous when Korra mentioned Mako.
"I see." He replied looking away.
"Well, I'm ready to go. Lead the way. Let's go Nari." Sojo said, ushering Nari to follow.
"Great! Let's go." She replied before Sojo opened the door for her. She walked through and thanked him before he walked out after her with Nari. He then locked the door and started walking with Korra. Most of the walk was left silent, until Korra spoke up.
"I uhh, I'm sorry about this being so abrupt. Not to mention early. Tenzin insisted on bringing you over early. I guess he's that eager to meet you." Korra explained.
"That's so bizarre. Tenzin, the first air nomad in over a century, son of Avatar Aang, not to mention one of the greatest benders to date, wants to meet me. I can't wrap my head around it." Sojo replied with amazement and disbelief. Korra then giggled in response.
"Don't sell yourself short. You're pretty incredible yourself." Korra said.
"Heh, thanks." He responded while scratching the back of his head. He then caught Korra staring as he did so with a slight blush.
"W-what?" He questioned.
"Huh? Oh uhh, nothing!" She replied before quickly looking in the other direction. 
After some more walking, they both eventually reached the edge of the city leading to Air Temple Island.
"Oh I didn't even think. I'm so used to waterbending my way to the island. Come on, the boat is this way." Korra said before walking over to the dock.
"There's no need Korra." Sojo responded. She looked back at him quizzically.
"Go on Nari. I'll meet you over there." Sojo said, sending Nari into the air. She then started flying over to the island.
"But how do you plan on getting over there?" She asked. Sojo just giggled and shook his head.
"You know some Firebending masters can fly, right?" Sojo asked.
"Wait, you can." She said before he interrupted her.
"Race ya there!" He shouted before his body ignited with purple flames. He then shot into the air with great speed, flying over to the island himself. Korra just stood there as she watched Sojo propel himself to the island.
"He's really amazing." Korra thought to herself before jumping and landing in the water as she then started making way to the temple with her waterbending.

The Violet Demon [Demigod Male OC x Avatar Korra] (Re-write)Where stories live. Discover now