Barbies and Kens then there's me

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No ones ever said I love you to me, even me saying it makes my heart skip a beat. It's the most powerfulest word out there yet some people throw it around like nothing. I have no problem with love, it's a neutral subject. Would I ever fall in love? Probably not. Could I ever be loved?

Again probably not.

My thoughts were interrupted by a vibration in my pants. I pulled out my phone sneakily and read the text.

Are u daydreaming in class again? -Logan

I rolled my eyes and smiled.

Stalker much? -Casey

I looked over where Logan sat and sure enough he was doing the same thing smiling and looking back at me. Logan was my best friend, we met a year ago on our first day of school he was in the girls bathroom making out with Jessica. He was a grade above me and very popular with the ladies though he claims to be a virgin. He has deep sea blue eyes and blonde hair. He's 6 feet and has the most amazing smile. I think that's why so many girls like him.

I don't know how he ended up being friends with a loser like me. Im a brunette with greyish eyes. My hair is always in a high ponytail with my long bangs out and I wear glasses.

Are u ever going to stop daydreaming? -Logan

Never -Casey

I put my phone away and rolled my eyes. I had 3 classes with Logan and lunch with him. I was glad because I didn't want to be alone at lunch even though Logan never sat near me. It was "against the rules". I mean the rules for the "Barbies". The Barbies were a bunch of beautiful blondes who wore short skirts and shirts way to short that showed there stomach. On their social ladder everyone is below them it goes the Barbie and the Kens(cheerleaders and football players), the nerds(people who like school), the gossips(people who spread rumors) and the "normals"(people who are basically nobody's). I dont fit in any category so I'm below all lows the "different" or "unique". That's at least what one of the Barbies told me.

"Class dismissed" Mr. Tomkin's said.

I gathered my things and waited for everyone to walk out the class. When the exit was clear I walked out too.

"What were you daydreaming about this time?" Logan said leaning against a locker.

"Don't you have to be at the Ken and Barbie table" I said teasing him. He hated being called the Kens.

"Dont you have to sit at your "unique" table." He put quotes around the word unique. I gave just gave him a smile, I liked being different.

"Babe I was looking all over for you" Haley said walking up to Logan.She was one of the newest Barbies. I never actually met her but all I knew is she was dating Logan.

"Sorry I was talking to Case." He said giving Haley a kiss on the cheek.

"Are you still going to eat lunch with us?" Haley said looking at Logan. I was waiting for a smart remark from her.

"Yeah of course" He said smiling at her, she smiled back." Let's go" He said holding her hand. I never felt upset when he ditched me for other people I mean it was the social rule.

"Wait wanna come with?" Haley said stopping and turning around to look at me. I looked behind me to see who she was talking to.

"Me? " I said surprised.

"Yes you! Come on it will be fun. " She then grabbed my hand and pulled me through the cafeteria doors. I was still trying to process everything so I didn't really resist. We sat down at the Barbie and Ken table,I'm assuming Haley didn't know the social ladder yet. More Barbies and Ken's sat down next to me and I looked down and pulled out my lunch from my backpack.

"Oh you have chocolate!Can I have some?!" Haley said excited. I nodded and gave her a peice. She ate it and smiled. "Thanks"

"Your sitting in my spot" Jessica said. She was the top Barbie. She was flawless everything she did was perfect.

"I'm sorry" I said getting up and packing my lunch back in my backpack.

"Who said you could sit here?This is Barbie territory only. " She said loudly so everyone could hear. I looked around and sure enough everyone was looking at me. I felt like passing out.

"I um..." I couldn't find the words to speak I was so embarrassed. I didn't want to rat out Haley so I kept my mouth shut.

"I did" Haley said standing up.

"Why? She's not a Barbie " She said eyeing me.

"And? She's my friend" Haley said smiling at me.

"Well she doesn't belong here." She said crossing her arms over her chest.

"Well shes staying or I'm going too" Haley said grabbing her backpack.

"Good your officially kicked off the Barbies and the team." Jessica said flipping her hair.

"Good cry me a river because I sure won't. You guys are so fake and I can do way better" Haley said rolling her eyes. I was shocked I wasnt the only one who felt this way about the Barbies. "Babe are you coming with or staying here? " She said looking at Logan. I knew Logan's answer before he said it. He had that look in his eyes that I just knew.

"No I'm staying here" Logan said. He didn't dare look at Haley when he said it. They both knew what that meant, they just broke up.

"Okay, I'll talk to you later then. Let's go Casey" She said walking away I followed her. We ended up walking in the girls bathroom.

"You didn't have to do that" I said looking at her.

"Yes I did everyone is so mean talking about you but I guess I'm not like everybody I guess I'm unique " She said smiling at me. I wasn't alone on the social ladder anymore I had someone else.

"I'm sorry about Logan." I said looking at her. She showed no emotion.

"That's okay I mean we only dated for a year no buggy. Kind of glad he showed his real self before we ever did anything crazy." Her eyes were watery and her voice was cracked but yet she still tried to show no emotion. I gave her a hug and she hugged me back. That would be the beginning of our friendship.

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