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Logan's POV
She fit perfectly in my arms, her beautiful brown hair hanging down. I keep talking to her though I know she has no idea what were talking about. I wonder why she's crying and I'd ask her but I know she would push me away. I'm happy I gotten this close to her. I lay her down on my bed and take her backpack off. I change her clothes into one of my shirts and sweatpants and then I lay next to her. She smells like flowers and she sleeps like a baby. I soon fall asleep too.

Casey's POV
When I wake up I'm on Logan's bed. The time says 6:30 on his clock. I look around Logan isn't in here. I freak out when I realized my clothes were changed.

Did he see me naked? Did I change in the bathroom? Did he sleep next to me?

I quickly got up and walked back and forth. All I remember is me coming here and him hugging me then I was being carried then black and I fell asleep.

"Hey sunshine" He walked in with some cereal. My face blushed of embarrassment.

"Did you change me?" I said looking anywhere but his eyes. He nodded.

"It was dark so don't worry I didn't see anything." Anger flushed through me.

"Why did you undress me?" I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"Your shirt had blood on it and it looked uncomfortable besides it's not like I wanted to see you almost naked.I'm sure you would look ugly just like you do now" He said laughing. I could feel the tears filling up in my eyes.

The biggest player at our school wouldn't even want to look at you naked.

I grabbed my backpack and walked in the bathroom. I put on a halter top and some shorts. I leave his clothes on the bathroom on the floor. I then walk out and he's standing right outside.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry." I felt my cheeks they were wet ,I was crying.

"Don't talk to me" I said pushing past him.

Logan's POV
I walk with her to James's house. Its silent neither of us talk. I hurt her. Why did I even say that? She's beautiful. She has big boobs and her skin was soft. I want to touch her, I want to feel her skin on mine. I push those thoughts away. She's just a friend a really good friend.

"Glad to see you made it" James said smiling at Case. She smiled back."Haley's already in the car let me take your things" He said reaching for her backpack. She flinched and mumbled a thank you and went into the car.

"Hey so I was thinking we drive to Colorado  first." He said smiling and putting the backpacks in the trunk.

"Yeah alright you drive first I'll drive when your tired" He nodded and sat in the car, I sat in the back with Haley.

Haley and James was talking the whole time. Casey stayed quiet.

"Casey what's wrong? You haven't said a word"Haley said putting her hand on Casey's shoulder. She scooted away and Haley took her hand back.

"Nothing I'm sorry" She said smiling.

"Case I'm sorry " I blurted out.

"How about you shut the fuck up and leave me alone." She said staring out the window. I sighed and laid back.

Casey's POV
We've been driving for hours and I haven't talked to Logan. I wanted this trip to be fun. I turn around and Haley and Logan were making out.

"Can I have a break? I need to use the restroom." I said looking at James he nodded. A couple minutes later we stopped at the gas station.

"You coming in?"James said to Haley and Logan. They shook their heads and resumed making out.

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