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I looked at him blankly.

"Think about it, we can drop high school and travel around the world. I mean you don't like your mom so you won't ever have to see her again."

"Wait...weren't you the one who said give her another chance?"

"Doesn't matter, You can take James and I will take Haley." His voice was calm.

"He won't ever agree to it, we just met James" When I said his name butterflies fluttered in my stomach. I quickly pushed the thought of that away.

"Then we go without him" He said smiling. Half of me was upset the other half happy.

"Where would we sleep? How would we eat?"

"Hotels I have enough money for all of us in the bank for a couple months. Then we can get part time jobs. Also you have money in your bank account for food.Also I have a car we can use its big enough for us all"

"What about your parents?"

"Screw them"

"I have to think about it." I said walking past him. That's when the door opened and my mom stepped out.

"Hi" She said smiling at Logan. I rolled my eyes.

"Hello"Logan said giving her one of his charming smiles.

"So is this your friend?" She said smiling at me.

"Logan go home .Now." I said frustrated.

"Alright I'm going. Nice meeting you Mrs.Wilson"He said walking off the steps.

"Call me Cynthia" She said waving after him with the biggest smile on her face.

"Alright bye Cynthia" He called before he turned the corner. I pushed past her and went into my room.

" Wait!" I heard my mom say but I hurried and locked the door behind me. "Amber Jones Wilson, if you don't answer the door!" She said banging on the door. I smiled to how idiotic she was, she was acting like a kid. I then heard sobs and footsteps. I laid on my bed looking at the ceiling.

Logan's POV
I laid on my bed looking up at the ceiling.

Me and Case.

I smiled at the thought. Us walking down the beach, us talking every day, me jokingly dumping her in random places. I wanted to leave with her. I sat up and checked my phone.

Are you ever going to text back-Haley

I sighed. I used to light up when I saw a text from her. What was wrong with me?

Yeah sorry I was busy-Logan

Its fine so Case said you had a plan that you wanted to ditch school and run around the world- Haley

Yeah I was about to tell you about it. Are you in?-Logan

Duh! Besides I don't really have anyone to care about my decisions anyway...When do we leave?-Haley

When Case says yes-Logan

My parents aren't home you know you could come over....we could hang out-Haley

Can't but I'll text you later okay?-Logan


I sighed and stared at my phone. Was Case thinking about it? Or did she already say no? I fell asleep before I knew it.

Casey's POV
I woke up and got dressed. I slung my backpack over my shoulders and sighed. I then started my way to school.

The day went fast period after period. I sat down on a step outside the school. Logan didn't talk to me all day. I knew he was giving me time to think.

"So I hear you really do daydream a lot pajama girl " A voice from behind me said. I got up and turned around. "Did I scare you?" His smile was soft and warm.

"No James you didn't " I said rolling my eyes.

"Most people who daydream want to escape something , so what's your reason  Of escaping?" His voice was serious but still had that soft feeling in it. I sat back down and he sat down next to me.

"Reality" I said looking at the road in front of us.

"Hey Case" I heard Haley's voice say, I turned around to look at her.

"Hey" I said smiling.

"So did you decide yet?" She said flipping her beautiful blonde hair over her shoulder. I looked at James then back up at Haley.

"Count me in" I said standing up.

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