James's pick

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James POV
I think to myself where to take her. I know she likes the beach but I could take her to a fancy restaurant. Everything went blurry and I had to shake my head to get back to normal.

"Are you okay" She said smiling. I nod but she doesn't look convinced so I kiss her. She then smiles.

"I found the perfect place" I walk through a trail holding her hand. She loves nature, especially at night. She's smiling and anxious to go more through the trail.

"Lets sit down for a bit" She said pulling me to a bench near us. Her hair is blowing in the wind and I move it gently out of her face. She wants me to kiss her I can tell so I play around with her and lean in. She leans in too and we're so close I can feel her breath on my lips. I brush my lips against her and she sighs. Then I scoot back away from her. "Are you really teasing me right now" She says whining. I laugh and she kisses me. I hold her waist as she holds my cheeks to secure the kiss.I feel strong, healthy. She's my energy to keep going. I'm in pure happiness. She is my happiness.

"We should probably get going"I say as we finish the kiss. She's starting into my eyes and I'm staring into her beautiful gray ones. Her lips are still very close to mine and I smile. She doesn't say anything for awhile. I don't need her too.

Casey's POV
I smile back at him I'm in pure happiness. I don't say anything nor does he. I don't want to leave this moment I wish I could stay here and keep this moment forever. Then the sprinklers turn on and I'm laughing. We both are. His laugh fits perfectly with mine.

He pulls me closer and kisses me. I kiss him back. We get up and hold hands continuing our walk on the trail. My head is on his shoulder, I feel safe. We keep walking talking about friends and his past.

He stops me and looks at me. He looks scared, he looks worried.

James POV
I have to tell her. She needs to know. Just tell her.

"Do you think we can have a future together?" My voice is a bit shaky. She looks concerned.

"Yeah I want one." She says smiling. I love that about her.

"Marry me" I say quickly.

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