A midnight swim

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Casey's POV
He got up and fixed his shirt.

What did he mean not normal?

I sighed and sat up."What's not normal about you?" I say looking at him but he won't look at me. I ran my hands through my hair combing it with my fingers. I then put my clothes back on. He ignores my question and sits at the end of the bed. "James what's not normal about you" I say a little louder. He turns to me and just smiles.

"I guess I'm quite weird I guess I used to be a big nerd" He said laughing. Theres more to it then that but I know he won't tell me anything anymore.

"I wanna know more about you" I said quickly."Whats your dreams, your weaknesses,your hobbies."

"I don't really have dreams you know? I just kinda go with life then you can't get disappointed."He didn't look at me. He kept staring at the wall ahead of him. He sounded lost and hurt.

"What are your parents like?" I say it quietly like talking about parents is against the rule.

"I don't know them well. I stay with my aunt legally and my parents come once and a blue moon. They send checks every now and then so I know there rich." He said looking at me and shrugging.

"What about your mom you said she was a doctor right?" I say blushing. He nodded and smiled.

"She is a doctor, when I was little I used to visit her a lot almost all the time. She's fun."

"Why did you stop? I mean why did you stop seeing her?"

"I became to much for her to handle so she gave me up and now I live with my aunt."He said sighing.

"Well that's her mistake. Your amazing " I said smiling. He smiled back and laid next to me. We don't say anything for a long time. We both just look into each other's eyes and holds hands.

"I'm back" I hear Logan's voice say as he opens the door and I jump."Whoa am I interrupting something?" He says jokingly.

"No we were just talking" I say hiding my face in the pillow.

Logan's POV
I sigh. I can tell they are doing more then talking. I wonder how far he's gotten with her. Does it matter? I couldn't care less what she does.

"Well I've know you for awhile and I know your a horrible liar" I say laughing some more. She got up and rolled her eyes. "That's not very good to do what if your eyes stay like that."

"Then I won't have to see your ugly ass again" We all then laughed. I walked over to her and picked her up walking to the bathroom.

"My ugly face is going to make yours smell like toilet water" I said lifting up the toilet seat.

"Jamess" I hear her say laughing over my shoulder.

"Could you let go of my girlfriend" James said laughing. I put her down.

"Girlfriend?" I look at her. Her beautiful hair in a messy bun and her glasses just about falling from her nose. She pushes them up.

"Yeah"He walks up to her and kisses her cheek. I stand their still. I can't move,I can't say anything and I don't know why.

"Congratulations just no fucking on the bed please I'm kinda gonna have to sleep on that" I say pushing past them. She's just a really good friend who cares what she does.

Weeks past and we're still in Colorado. I've gotten a job, me and James do. James is a waiter and I'm a chief at a really fancy restaurant. Case and James have gotten really close, they do everything together.

"And I thought I was the dreamer" I heard Casey's voice say.

"You still are."I smile. I haven't been alone with her since forever, I missed the feeling.

"I miss James" She says whining like a baby. I sigh.

"Of course you do" I say rolling my eyes. I don't like James he's hiding something.

"Why does he have to work so late." She said whining some more.

"Lets go" I say getting up and grabbing her hand. I pull her out of the hotel and into a cab. I whisper in the cab drivers ear and she nods. We get there in about 10 minutes. I give the cab driver money and we start walking down a trail.

Casey's POV
Its dark outside but I follow Logan anyway. Its breezy and the wind feels amazing on my skin. We keep walking the trail til we reach something soft on the floor. Sand.

"Are we on a beach?" I say looking around.

"Yep" He started taking off his shirt.

"What are you doing?" I say confused. He then took off his pants.

"Living a little" He then ran into the direction where you could hear the waves. I sighed and started taking my clothes off leaving on my bra and panties. I then ran into the water with him. It was freezing cold but I loved how it felt.

"Nice for you to join me Mrs.Wilson" He said laughing.

"Pleasure is all mine Mr.Frank" I say teasing him. I then hear sirens and see flashing of blue and red.


Logan hears them to and he's already pulling my hand to the direction of our clothes. We quickly grab our clothes and start running off the trail to who knows where. Logan seems to know where he's going, he looks determined. We reach a very small cabin and he's pulling me inside. We lock the door behind us. Its dark we can't see. I feel his body pressed against mine. Its warm his breathing is fast the warmth of his breath is ticking my face. I'm up against a wall.

Logan's POV
She looks beautiful.I can't see anything but her grey eyes. Our bodies are pressed against each other. I wanna run my hands down her sides, hear her moan, I want to kiss her. Before I know it my lips are so close to hers.

"You think the cops are gone?" She said quickly. Her lips look soft. I quickly backed up and fell over a box.

What's wrong with you? She's just a friend get it together horn dog.

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