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Casey's POV
"Me and James kinda got in a fight"I said sighing and sitting on the sofa.

"You guys already sound married" He rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry for bringing it up god " He just shook it off. What's his problem?

"Im sorry just continue"

I continue and tell him why. I sigh in the end, the whole thing was stupid to me. Pointless.

"Seems like he's just having a bad morning" He says looking away from me.

"Okay yeah" I say sighing. Just a bad morning. I turn on my phone and roll my eyes when I see my mom's name pop up on the screen.

"Your mom?" Logan said walking toward me. I nod."Are you ever going to talk to her?" He says softly. I shake my head."Aren't you going to need to? I mean to marry James " He shoved his hands into his pockets.

"I think I should do it in person. Ready to go home for awhile?" I say smiling and he nods.

Logan's POV
It sucks.She's really going to marry him,maybe she will change her mind.

Cancer tell her about his secret then she will love you not him.

I look at the floor. I couldn't do that, he loves her.

Well so do you

I smile. I do love her, I want her in my arms. I want to kiss her every night, smell her sexy hair. Okay maybe not the last part because that's weird.

James POV
I fucked up. I really fucked up. I'm so fucking stupid.

That alliteration though

I roll my eyes at my stupid comment. I needed to say sorry, I didn't care that she ignored her mom. Its fine if she didn't tell me why, she has her secrets I have mine. I walk to Logan's room and open the door.

Just say it say sorry.

I take a deep breath and open my mouth to say something but Casey stopped me before I could.

"How the hell did you know I was here?" She said putting her hands on her hip.

"He's your best friend of course you would go here. I wanted to say sorry." She just looked at me waiting to carry on my apology.


"I'm sorry for being rude this morning. Just don't worry about my mom I've already told you her past with me so if it's so important she can go come to me." I said leaning against the door.

"Okay"she said simply.

"Okay?" I say looking at her confused. She just nodded.

Okay means forgiveness..........right?

Sorry I took so long to update hope u will still read would u rather shorter chapters faster times or long chapters in longer times?

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