Game Over

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Casey's POV
I pretended to be asleep when James walked in. I heard a sigh and the covers move over my shoulders. Then I feel a kiss planted on my forehead and I feel him lay beside me.

I wonder what he's thinking....probably why I can't love him....or does he not care....

I waited awhile so he could fall asleep. Then I silently got out of bed making sure to make as less noise as possible. I opened the door quickly and shut it behind me, I then made my way to Logan's room.

Logan's POV
I heard knocking on my door. I sigh and get out of bed.

Its probably James again

I roll my eyes and open the door. I quickly change my face into a smile when I see Case standing outside. She just hugs me and I wrap my arms around her. She's crying on my chest and I'm in nothing but my boxers. I smirk but then my smirk fades when I remember why she's here. Why is she here?

Casey's POV
Do you ever have that moment when you can't sleep and you just have to talk to someone? Anyone? That was now for me. I needed to talk to Logan.

"Hey Case what's wrong?" He said pulling me away from him and looking into my eyes. I didn't say anything for awhile.

"What's wrong with me? Why can't I love him?" I say more tears rolling down my eyes. He walks slowly back into his room holding my hand and I shut the door behind me.

"Is not a question of why can't you. The question is why would you love him?" He says softly. I look at him confused.

"I don't get it"

"You can't think why can't you love him. If you say can't it's like saying it's impossible but the question is why would you? Why would you love him? What makes him worthy of your love?" He said calmly.

"He's amazing, he's funny,he's sweet, I love how when we're talking I only see him and he makes me feel loved and appreciated." I say smiling. The thought of James does that.

"Have you thought about marrying him?" He said sitting on the sofa. I nodded."Your going to do it?" He asked a bit shocked. I shrugged my shoulders."I think you should" He said giving me a reassuring smile.

"You really think so?"

"Yes I really think so"


"Because I can tell you love him. I can see it in your eyes, the way your face lights up when I say his name. Your in love with him." He said quietly.

Logan's POV
She loves him. Game over Logan.

James wins.

She looked at me for awhile. I needed her to say it, I need her to tell me she loved him. I don't know why I wanted to know but I did I needed the reassurance.

"I think your denial of being hurt " I say and I know it's the truth. She's been hurt her whole life even if I only knew half of the story.

"How did you hurt your hand?" She said changing the subject. I looked at my wrapped up hand.

"I scraped it against the floor. Just a little rub burn" I say lamely and she nods not questioning it anymore."Do you love him?" I say changing back the subject. She thinks about it for a second.

"I think I do" She says quickly.

My heart breaks and I don't know why.


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