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I stand by the door and watch him run his hands through his hair slowly. I wonder what he's thinking. I look at the beautiful ruby ring on my finger, I smile. I then walk into the room.

"Hey" I say looking at his beautiful green eyes. There getting duller but I don't let that drop my smile. He smiles back and looks at my hands, he looks at the ring.

"It looks great on you"

"Thanks" I bite my lip and blush.

"I cant wait for you to Mrs.Williams" My heart flutters when I hear that name. I cant wait to be with him everything is perfect with him. I cant wait to wake up to him and him to kiss my head every morning. Wherever we go ill make it as long as im with him.

" I can't wait to be Mrs.Williams either" I can't stop smiling though I can feel tears swelling in my eyes, he doesn't seem to notice.

"I love you Casey" His voice was soft and tears was running down his cheeks.

James POV
I can tell right now I probably won't make the surgery. I feel weak, it's now only a 15% chance of even surviving.

"I love you too" She kisses me softly but I kiss her back powerfully pulling her on me with whatever strength I have.She's surprised at first but after that she's kissing me with just as much power.She runs her hands in my hair and I explore her body with my hands as we kiss. After were done making out she smiles at me.

"What's that for" Her grey eyes are piercing in my green ones. I hold her hand trying to ignore the question."James what was that for?" she repeats herself. I give her a small smile and kisses her hand.

"I might not make this Casey" Tears filled her eyes and I hold her cheek. She knows that I might not make it.

Casey POV
Tears stream down my eyes, I said I wouldn't cry and I needed to be strong but I couldn't do it. He pulls me into his chest while I cry and he gently rubs my back. I can tell he's crying to but silently so I won't hear.We stay like this for awhile , I close my eyes hoping when I wake up we would be on the road and this would be a dream. I fall asleep in his arms.


When I wake up I'm cuddling a chair, I quickly stand up and brush myself off.

"Your finally awake" Claire said smiling." I had to move you so James can do his surgery but I'm sure he will be out soon" I give her a weak smile."Your pretty light" She laughs. I can't laugh with her, a couple hours ago her son hated her now there back together,reunited and he's going to die. I try not to cry.

he might not die, he will be okay...

I knew the words in my head was just hope and I went along with it.

"Sweetie you seem off" Claire said moving a hair behind her ear with her finger.

"I'm fine, just tired." I give her a small smile and she nods.

"Yeah maybe you should catch some more sleep."

"What about James?"

"I'll tell you when we're aloud to talk to him" She said giving me a soft smile, I nod. I curl back in a ball and sleep.

I'm in a white dress, it's strapless. in the front it's short about knee length and in the back it's long it goes all the way to my heels. I'm wearing white heels and I hear a wedding march in the background. I have a beautiful big bouquet of red roses in my hands .There's two big doors in front of me and Claire is standing next to me. She's wearing a beautiful white dress with a red rose in her hair, she's smiling at me. I smile back and quickly open the two doors, it was a long aisle. I walk slowly down the aisle and watch everyone stand like I'm royalty. When I'm at the end of the aisle everyone sits down and the music stops, a tall figure is standing in front of me, James. I smile and hold his hands.

"Are you ready to do this?" He kisses my hand.

"I've never been more ready for anything in my life"

"I love you"

"I love you to James" I give his hand a squeeze. He looks so perfect in a tux. Then everything starts to crumble,James drops down to the floor he's gasping for air. Everyone disappeared it's only us. His face turns white as he gasps for air and I'm screaming for help for someone to help him.

I quickly wake up breathing heavy and wiping the sweat off my forehead.

"Sweetie are you okay?" Mrs.Swine says putting her hand on my shoulder, I look at her and nod. I wipe the tears from my eyes and sit up.

"Just a nightmare" I say trying to get my voice back. She nods to say she understands."Is he done?" I ask my voice sounding hopefull. She shakes her head."How long have I been sleeping?" I say confused.

"A hour and 30 minutes " She says calmly.

"Oh" Is all I can manage to choke out. I open my phone and there's 20 calls from Haley and nothing from Logan. I sighed and called Haley, she answered on the second ring.

"Haley?" My voice quiet, it's hardly even there.

"Casey...are you alright? Logan told me about it." She sounded concern, I started to cry again.

"I-I'm fine. Haley I'm scared." I wipe my eyes.

"Hey it's going to be okay. Just breathe" She calmly says, I listen and breathe slowly. We don't say anything for awhile just knowing she's on the other line is enough for me.

"Is Logan home?" I ask.

"No, he's not answering his cell either. Don't worry just give him time you guys will get over it and you guys will be friends again." I smiled and nodded though she couldn't see me.

"I'll talk to you later" I said as the nurse walks out of his room to us. We all stand up eager to what he's going to say. He shows no emotion on his face and he just looks at us for awhile.

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