the hideout

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Casey's POV
He was so close to me. I laugh. It's dark and I can't see much but I can tell he's smiling. He once told me that he used that smile to get the girls and I believed him.

Logan's POV
I quickly stand up. Her laugh it's like harmony, why didn't I notice it before? Her hair is wet and is over her right shoulder. She's standing there beautifully naked. Just her bra and underwear. My heart is racing out of my chest. I quickly look the other way.

"Put your clothes on then we can leave." I say putting my shirt and pants on. She nods and puts on her clothes.

"You think James will be home?" I can tell the excitement in her voice and open the door.

"Yeah probably " I say without looking at her and walking into the darkness she follows.

Casey's POV
"How did you know about the cabin?" I say turning back but I couldn't see anything. I can barely see Logan so I grab his hand so he can lead me better. He flinches at my touch, he's been acting different lately.

"I come here from time to time when I need a break from you two" He said squeezing my hand. He doesn't have to tell me he doesn't like James, I already know. I don't ask any more questions. We finally reach the hotel and we still haven't said anything to each other. I walk into our room first and Logan follows closely behind me. James is laying on the bed in a towel wrapped around his waist. He's sleeping, I laugh quietly trying not to wake him up. He must've fell asleep after the shower because his hair is wet. I go to him and kisses his head gently. He wakes up slowly.

"I like getting a princess better then a prince" James said laughing. I laugh with him.His voice was deep and sexy. I love when he talks to me when he first wakes up but I would never tell him that.

"I'm gonna give you guys space I'll just be in the shower" Logan said walking away. I watch him leave, what's going on with him?

I lay next to James and he puts his arm around me. I feel safe, he's my home. He doesn't ask about my parents or my past. He says it doesn't matter to him and it's fine with me because I don't plan on telling him. I pull out my phone and open it. Over 100 messages all from mom. I shut my phone fast not wanting him to see but it's to late.

"Aren't you gonna answer your mom?" He said looking at me suspiciously. I shake my head. He wanted to say something else but he doesn't say anything. He knows I'll be stubborn and not tell him.

"I'm cold" I say changing the subject.

"Well your wet " He said laughing.I laughed too totally forgetting I went out with Logan today."Let's get you some clothes and then we can go to bed." He said smiling at me. I nodded.

"Maybe we can get you clothes too" I said looking at his towel. We both laughed and he pulled out some clothes from the drawer.

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