going home

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"So it's been nice you guys barging in my house but could you leave "Logan rolled his eyes at us as if we irritated him.

"Sure" I wave it off as if it's nothing and grab Casey's hand.

"Wait my backpack" She let's go of my hand and picks up her backpack. "Wait for me in our room okay?" She gives me a smile and I nod walking into our room.

Casey's POV
"I'm sorry he came in here" I sigh.

"Its fine besides he may not be welcomed here but you are anytime" He gave me a smirk and I rolled my eyes.

Typical Logan

"Thanks, anyway were going home today" I say fixing my hair back into a ponytail.


"I need to ask my mom for permission to marry James duh" I roll my eyes.

"Of yeah of course" He says sarcastically. I leave and walk into my bedroom. James was already there waiting for me sitting patiently on the bed. He didn't hesitate he walked up to me and kissed me. I kiss him back and shut the door behind me as he presses me against the door.

"I'm sorry" He whispered in my ear. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him again.

"No need to be sorry, everything is perfect now" I smile and bite my lip.

"Are you ready to go home?" He smiles and I nod. I pick up the backpack that I had drop when he surprised me with that kiss and blush."I should get my stuff" He goes to grab his duffle bag to off the floor and we walk out the hotel holding hands.

"Here let me take your stuff" He takes my backpack from my shoulder and puts it in the trunk along with his duffle bag.

"Thank you" I say sitting in the car and he gets in on the other side.

"Remember when Haley and Logan were making out and you thought that it was gross?" He laughed but I blush. I remember that day it's the day he played a joke on me.

Maybe I could change that

His exact words. I'll never forget them. I nod.

"Let's see if it's gross now" I looked confused but before I could answer he kissed me gently finding his tongue in my mouth and I swirl my tongue around his. His hand gently is placed behind my neck and mine on his cheek securing the kiss. He kisses me regularly and smiles.

"Gross?" He bit his lip.

"Not at all" I kiss him again. I want this, I want him. I'm happy with him, I do love him. I then hear knocking on the window and I blush. James unlocks the door and of course Logan just watches us.

"You guys are gross" He said rolling his eyes and sits in the front seat.

"You did it with Haley" I say crossing my arms over my chest.

"But that's different. Keys James." James hands over the keys and turns on the ignition and we're off.

"Whatever" I mumble.

James POV
My head hurts like crazy and I can barely breathe. I'm trying hard to breathe quietly. I just need to marry her, please let me make it to that.

"Sweetie your looking a bit pale" Casey said putting her hand on my shoulder. I give her a smile.

"No I'm just fine."

"Yeah he looks fine" Logan said quickly. I give him a smile.

"I guess you just need more sun"

"Yeah thats it Case" Logan said smiling but I drifting slowly, into a sleep.

Logan POV
I wish he would tell her so she would leave already. I hope her mom says no.

Stop thinking like that get over this feeling she doesn't love you

I sigh. I know I'm correct yet I'm refusing to believe it. She loves him he loves her and I get no one. Maybe I should date other people when we get home.

What about Haley?

Or Jennifer?

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