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Logan's POV
I look at James through the review mirror he looks tired and pale. Its like he's getting whiter each second, it scares me. He keeps blinking like he's trying to stay awake and he's driving slowly.

"Hey let me take the wheel" I say to him smiling. He nodded quickly and parked the car.He switched back again, he moves a bit faster this time. To be honest im kind of scared he might pass out soon but then he falls asleep.

"Hes pretty tired huh" Casey says laughing. I dont think she notices and if she does i dont think she wants to say anything. I smile at her and nod. I can tell now she looks worried.

"Hes probably had to much sun he should drink water" I say looking at him through the review mirrior. It looked more then dehydration but i didnt want to worry Case. I wanted her happy even if i didnt like this guy, he made her happpy.

i bet i could make her happy

i quickly push that thought away. Were in Texas right now, we could stop and rent a hotel try to give James the rest he needs. Maybe hes been working to hard, its probably stress. I wonder how Casey's holding it in, is she okay? I stop at the nearest hotel and get out carrying everyone's stuff while Casey wakes up James.

"I can carry my stuff" James said reaching out for his stuff I give it to him. "Damn this shit is heavy" He says laughing and we all laugh. We walk inside the hotel and rent 2 rooms one for me and one for Casey and James. I give Casey her stuff and we walk to our separate rooms.

Casey's POV
James still looks pretty pale but he's getting his color back. Maybe Logan was right he's just dehydrated. I sit on the bed watching James walk into the bathroom and disappear behind the door.

I wonder what he thinks now. I wonder if he ever worries about his health. Does he even notice he's pale? I close my eyes and lay down.

"Are you tired?" I hear James voice says. I open my eyes and sit up.

"No I have all the energy in the world" I said laughing. He laughs with me and sits beside me.

"I'm sorry I slept the whole way here" He said holding my hand.

"Its fine you looked like you needed it"I say smiling at him and he smiles back. He stares at me for awhile like he's deciding if he should say something or not.

"Wanna go out to eat or something? Just you and me?" He said smiling. I could tell that's not exactly what he wanted to say.

"Okay let me get dress then" I say walking to my clothes. I change into a new top and blue jeans. I blushed when I realized James was watching me.

"I'm sorry" he said looking away. I bite my lip, I wonder what he was thinking. Maybe what every guy was thinking sex but James isn't like that.

"Ready" I said tossing my hair over my shoulder. He nodded smiling. I grabbed his hand and we walked out together.

"We probably should've told Logan were leaving" He said laughing.

"Yes when he comes in our room and finds that were not there. He's going to think we were kidnapped " I said laughing with him.

"Where would you like to go?" I pretend to think for awhile.

"Surprise me" I say smiling and he smiles back.

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