A little more then a Crush

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James POV
When I wake up my beautiful girlfriend is laying next to me. I smile and kiss her hand.

"You know I wouldn't mind waking up everyday to this" I say smiling at her. She smiles too and bites her lip. I notice she does that when she's nervous.

"Then let's do that"

"What do you mean?"I ask slowly. Was she saying yes already?

"I want to marry you" She says smiling at me. I smile back at her and kiss her.

I get out of bed and my phone's vibrating. Its my mom. I answer it quickly.

"Hey Mom?" I say rather a question then a statement.

"Why won't you do your surgery?" I looked at Casey to see if she heard but she just smiled.

"Can't talk about that right now, I'll speak to you later"I say quickly hanging up. I then put my phone back on the nightstand.

"You didn't have to hang up I could've left" She said sighing.

"It was something that could wait " I say simply.

"What did she want "

"I don't know" I say lying. I hate lying to Casey but I need to. She can't know not yet I won't let her know.

"Well it must of been important if she called, you said she never visits or talks to you" I felt anger boiling inside. Why couldn't she drop it? It's better for her not to know.

"Lets drop it" I say as nice as possible.

"Don't you want to know why your mom called?"

"No I don't. Don't you want to know why your mom calls and texts you everyday and you don't answer? You don't see me asking you so drop it" I say rudely.

Casey's POV
I was just trying to help. I say nothing for awhile. I thought he didn't care about my mom. Did it bother him? I get up and walk to my backpack picking it up and taking my phone with me.

"Where are you going?" James said harshly.

"Don't worry about it" Then I walk out the door and open Logan's. I probably should've knocked but he is my best friend. When I open the door he's in boxers sleeping on the bed so peacefully. He looks calm,happy. I shake him gently to wake him up.

Logan's POV
I slowly open my eyes watching my surroundings. I smile when I see Casey's face in front of mine.

If you lean closer you could kiss her...

I smile. I wonder what her lips would taste like. Strawberries?

Wait stop thinking like that Logan it's weird she's taken

"Can I use your shower?" She said taking her hair out of her ponytail. She let fall down and started combing it with her fingers.

"Yeah go ahead" I say stretching. She grabs her things and walks to my bathroom. I sigh. Why am I thinking like this? She's just a friend.

I walk to my drawer and pick out a shirt and pants for me to wear. I put it on and run my hands through my blonde hair. I then hear a ringtone.

F is for friends that do stuff together
U is for you and me
N is for anywhere anywhere at all

"Haley?" I answer the phone slowly.

"Surprised?" She said laughing. I laughed with her.

"Just a little"

"What state are you in today?" Her voice was cherry and happy. I smiled. I was happy for her.


"Nice, I really miss you guys" I smile.

"I miss you too"

"I better go, tell Casey to call me it's like her phone is always off these days"

"Okay bye" Then I hung up. I sigh.

"Was that Haley?" Casey says walking out the bathroom with her glasses on and her hair wet and held high in a messy bun. No make up on so everyone can see her natural beauty. I know she doesn't know it but she's beautiful.

"Yeah yeah it was Haley" I say sitting on the bed.

"Aw I miss her" She says whining.

"Give her a call" I say smiling at her. She fixes her glasses and blinks a couple times.

"What are you staring at?" She says laughing.


"Nothing"I say quickly.

"Liar" She said teasing me.

Your right I was looking at beauty

"I was just looking at your hair it looks funny" I say laughing. She takes out her ponytail.

"Better?" She says rolling her eyes.

Doesn't matter you were beautiful before and now

I smiled out of everything that's happen. I'm finally beginning to notice it. I never loved Haley. I loved the thought of Haley. I like Case scratch that I'm in love with Casey.

Dude your in deep

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