Chapter 8: Dinner and a Movie

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Luz returned to the kitchen as Amity and Eda were making dinner. She had successfully washed all of the abomination goo off of her.

"What's cookin', good lookin'?" Luz said with a playful tone.

Amity chuckled and turned to make fun of Luz's cheesy line, but when she saw Luz, Amity froze and almost dropped the knife on her foot. Luz was wearing her pajamas. Amity had never seen Luz in her pajamas before. She looked cuter than usual in her grey tank top, purple shorts, and socks.

"Are you okay, Amity?" Luz asked.

"Oh, I'm pretty girl. Pretty good! Pretty good! Good! I'm good. Pretty good. I'm pretty good."

Luz stared blankly for a second. Then she started laughing. Amity felt a little embarrassed, but then she started laughing at her silly mistake. Eda just stood there, smiling and shaking her head in disbelief at the couple's sheer cuteness.

"I'm sorry," Luz said as she got the last of her laughs out. "I wasn't laughing at you. You just reminded me of a meme from back on Earth."

"What the heck is a meme?" said Eda.

"It's like an inside joke for the whole world."

"Wouldn't that be an outside joke, then?"

"I guess it doesn't make much sense, but they're a big part of human culture."

"If you say so. Now stop distracting your girlfriend. We're trying to make dinner."

"What are we having?"

"Clawthorne Sister Stew."

"What's that?"

"A recipe Lily and I made up when we were kids. We used to make it for all the big annual events - birthdays, family reunions, anniversaries, etc. The stew was a big hit in the Clawthorne clan. This is the first time in years Lily and I are making it."

"Why?" asked Amity.

"Lily and I split the recipe in half so that we had to work together to make it. Since we've been out of touch for almost thirty years, neither one of us has been able to make the stew on our own."

"Where is Lilith, by the way? Why isn't she here helping you make the stew?"

"And where's King?" asked Luz.

"I sent 'em out to get a couple of spices we're missing," Eda answered. "They should be back soon."

Just then, Hooty came into the kitchen. He said, "Hoot! Hoot! Guess who's back!"

"King and Lilith?" said Luz.


"Perfect timing!" said Eda.

"I'll get the door," Luz said. She opened the kitchen door for King and Lilith.

King took one look at his favorite boo-boo buddy and lept into her arms. "Luz!" he exclaimed, hugging her. This had become a custom of his.

"Aaaw! Hey, King! Did ya miss me?" she always asked him.

"Pfft! No! Why? Did you miss me?" he always replied.

"Of course!" Luz said, nuzzling King as he giggled. She then set him down on the floor and turned to greet Lilith.

"Hey, Lil- Woah! What happened to you?"

Lilith had a banana peel on her head and stains all over her dress. She looked 100% done. "Some patriotic witches spotted me in the market and chose to demonstrate their love for the Emperor by assaulting me with bad produce."

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