Chapter 1: Advice from a Stranger

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Another day of learning at Hexside School of Magic and Demonics had come to an end, and all the witches-in-training were going to hang out with their friends, except one. Amity Blight, Hexside's top student, was on her way home when she heard a friendly voice call out her name.

"Hey, Amity!"

Amity turned and saw the adorkable Luz Noceda, the only human witch-in-training ever to attend Hexside, waving at her. Amity had a brief rivalry with Luz when she first arrived on the Boiling Isles. Luz had embarrassed Amity a couple of times, making her look like a fool in front of the Emperor's Coven on one occasion. However, Amity soon realized that Luz did not mean to cause trouble. Surprisingly, Luz wanted to be friends with her, even though Amity did mean her harm at one time. Amity also grew to admire Luz's commitment to becoming a witch, even though humans are not naturally gifted with magical abilities. Over time, Amity came to see Luz as a pillar of support and friendship in her lonely life. Amity was popular, yes, but she didn't have any real friends aside from Luz and Luz's friends. Moreover, Amity's parents cared less about Amity as their daughter and more about her success as a witch. Luz, on the other hand, liked Amity for who she was. Amity didn't have to be the best when she was with Luz. She could be herself.

Luz loped over to Amity and said, "Willow, Gus, and I are going to help each other study at the Owl House. Wanna come over?"

Luz's eyes were twinkling with anticipation. Amity couldn't help but blush at the sight of her warm expression. Secretly, Amity wanted to be more than friends with Luz. Amity had a major crush on Luz, but she was too scared of being rejected to say anything. And although Amity had recently chosen to "destroy" her social life after siding with her weird, real friends over her stuck-up, fake friends, Amity still worried about how people, especially her parents, would react if they knew that she had romantic feelings for a human. To protect herself, Amity tried to deny how she felt about Luz. They were just friends, she told herself. However, being around Luz while bottling up her feelings gave Amity unbearable heartache. She had recently been trying to avoid Luz to try and spare herself the agony.

"I can't," Amity lied.

"Why not?" asked Luz.

"Because... I have some important stuff at home I have to take care of."

"Oh, ok." Luz looked a little disappointed. "Maybe you can come over some other time?"

"Yeah. Sure. Maybe."

"Alrighty then! See ya tomorrow!" Luz waved at Amity as she jogged back to her other friends.

Amity waved back, sighed, then turned towards home.

As Amity walked through the woods, she felt as though she was being watched. She called out, "Emira! Edric! If you're trying to pull something, I'm not in the mood!"

The woods were silent for a moment. Then a tall, cloaked figure stepped out onto the path.

"Greetings, Ms. Blight," said the stranger. "Sorry, I didn't intend to cause you alarm."

"Who are you? And why are you following me?" Amity demanded.

The stranger pulled back the hood of his cloak to reveal a fair and handsome face with brilliant blue eyes and radiant red hair. "I'm something of a sympathetic supporter of your predicament," he said. "And I'd like to help."

"What are you talking about?"

"Your unrequited affection for Ms. Noceda, of course."

Amity's face turned scarlet. Someone knew her secret. This was her greatest fear come to life. Amity dropped her books without thinking and drew a magic circle with each hand, summoning a pair of fireballs. Amity then threw them at the stranger, and a column of pink flames engulfed him where he stood.

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