Chapter 10: First Date

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That night, Amity had a dream about her Otabin toy and the day her Uncle Odo gave it to her. It was at Amity's seventh birthday party. She had just cut Willow out of her life, per her parents' orders, and Amity was heartbroken. Her mother had told her not to cause a scene, but Amity was afraid she couldn't keep it together and that she might break down in the middle of the party, so she stayed in her room to lament losing her best and only friend.

While Alador was busy talking with his city council colleagues and Odalia was busy bragging about her children to the other parents, Odo noticed his niece's absence from the party and looked for her. He found Amity in her room, crying on her bed. Odo sat next to Amity and tried to ask his niece why she was upset, but she didn't want to talk. Amity told him to leave her alone, but Odo didn't want to leave her upset.

"I know your mother planned to do presents after cake," he said. "But I want to give you this now."

That's when Odo gave Amity the Otabin toy. Odo knew how much Amity loved the story of Otabin the Bookmaker, so when he saw an Otabin toy in a toyshop window while out on patrol one day, he just had to get it for his niece.

Amity gently took the toy from her uncle's hand. She looked at the smile stitched on its face, and then she looked up at her uncle smiling down at her. Amity was still upset about severing ties with Willow, but Odo had cheered her up a bit. She hugged her uncle and thanked him.

"You're welcome, Amity," he said, hugging her back. "Remember, if you need anything, I'll always be here for you."

The following day.

Luz woke up feeling some weight on her side. Luz lifted her head and saw Amity's head resting on her chest as she lay next to her. It appeared that Amity, while asleep, had come over to Luz's bed in the middle of the night and started cuddling her. Luz chuckled as she sat up. Amity's head fell into her lap, and she gave a little groan.

She's SOOO cute! Luz thought to herself. Like a sleeping kitten!

Luz started stroking Amity's hair. Super soft! she thought. Amity woke up. She sat up, stretched, and yawned.

"Buenos días, Hermosa!" Luz said as she gave Amity a good morning kiss on the cheek.

"Luz?" said Amity, rubbing her eyes, still a bit groggy. "What time is it? What are you doing in my bed?"

"It's morning time. And you're actually in my bed. It looks like you were looking for cuddles last night. Come on! I'll make you some breakfast."

Usually, Amity would have gotten red in the face, flustered once she realized she and Luz had been cuddling all night. However, Amity wasn't awake enough to get flustered yet. So instead, Amity groaned again, but louder this time, lay back down in Luz's bed, threw the cover over her, and said, "Five more minutes."

Luz never knew Amity was such a sleepyhead. She decided to leave the room and let her rest a little longer. After changing into her street clothes in the bathroom, Luz went down to the kitchen to make her special Good Witch Azura pancakes for breakfast.

Soon, the rest of the Owl House family woke up and came down for breakfast. First came Eda, followed closely by Lilith, then came Amity with King on her back. They all told each other what they had planned for the day. Luz and Amity were going to the library to meet Willow and Gus, then go on their date, and Eda and Lilith were going to deliver packages and sell potions in town.

After everyone finished their breakfast and Amity changed into her street clothes, Luz and Amity set off for the library. Eda had the couple take Owlbert with them. She said she wanted them to use him in case they needed to make a quick getaway. Eda didn't specify from what or whom Luz and Amity might need to make a quick getaway from, but they knew she meant Amity's parents or anyone Amity's parents might send after them.

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