Chapter 3: First Day Out

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Amity managed to convince her parents that she didn't break her curfew but simply forgot to announce her return home. Her parents still gave Amity a stern talking to, warning her to behave or else there'd be consequences. The pressure from her parents didn't ruin Amity's mood that night, though. She went to bed happy, relieved that she had finally told Luz how she felt about her and that they were actually going out now.

Meanwhile, Luz returned to the Owl House more gleeful than usual. When Eda asked Luz what happened with Amity, she tried to play it cool at first, saying that she wasn't the kind of person who kisses and tells. Eda then smugly suggested that Luz and Amity had kissed, and Luz exploded. She told Eda, King, and Lilith everything that happened: the cliffside confession, Luz asking out Amity, their moonlit walk to Blight Manor, and their first kiss. No one in the Owl House had ever seen Luz this swoony before. Eda was happy to see her student happy, King was confused and a little peeved at Luz's lovey-dovey display, and Lilith was concerned. She was worried Luz might run out of breath and collapse. Luz could have carried on for hours, but Eda reminded Luz that she had school tomorrow and sent her off to bed.

The next day, Luz and Amity met in front of Hexside.

"Hey, Amity!" exclaimed Luz.

"Hey, Luz," said Amity with a bashful grin.

"I was hoping we could hold hands while we walk to class. Is that okay?"

"Sure!" said Amity a bit too excitedly. She tried to calm herself but let out a nervous laugh, saying, "I mean, if you want to hold hands, we can hold hands. I'm totally okay to hold hands with you. Haha! Wait, why wouldn't that be okay?"

"I thought that you might not want to since we're trying to hide us being a couple from your parents."

"We're not hiding from my parents." Amity suddenly realized what was up. Last night, during their walk to Blight Manor, Amity told Luz that her parents might not be open to the idea of them dating. Apparently, Luz had taken that to mean that Amity wanted to keep their relationship a secret. "Oh, Luz. I'm not worried about being seen with you in public. I told you about my parents because I'm worried about you."


"Like I said last night, my parents aren't very flexible people. All my life, they've had this big plan for me: be the best student, join the Emperor's Coven, persevere the family legacy, etc. Associating with weirdos like you was never supposed to be part of my future. Not that there's anything wrong with being weird! You're great just the way you are! I'm just afraid my parents won't accept us being together, and I have no idea what they'll do when they find out."

Luz recalled seeing Amity's memory of her parents threatening to keep Willow from being admitted into Hexside if Amity didn't stop being friends with Willow. "They do seem awfully... awful."

"They can be strict, sure, but they're still my parents. I want them to like you, Luz. If they don't, though, I want you to be prepared for the worst."

"Hey, we've beaten monsters, a fear demon, and a team of mean jocks together. If that's taught us anything, it's that there's nothing we can't handle."

All that seemed like a piece of cake compared to confronting her parents, Amity thought. As always, though, Luz's confidence was contagious. "Together then," Amity said as she took Luz's hand in hers.

Luz and Amity walked the halls of Hexside hand-in-hand, getting noticed by students and faculty alike. Some stared in disbelief, others in awe. They even got a couple of cheers/approving barks from Luz's multi-track friends. Luz and Amity blushed from all the attention. Amity was glad everything was out in the open. Finally, no more secrets. She could be happy with Luz at last. Eventually, Luz and Amity went to their separate classes. Later, they met up with Willow and Gus for lunch.

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