Chapter 6: Front Yard Fight & Flight

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"Abomination," said Mr. Blight. "Dispose of the human."

The abomination grabbed Luz. It picked her up and tucked her under its arm. The abomination then carried Luz out of the parlor. It left gooey footprints on the large carpet in the foyer as it approached the front door, which saddened the Blights' goblin-servant, Grimsby. He was in the middle of re-cleaning it, and now it seemed he would have to start all over. Despite this, Grimsby quickened to the front door and politely opened it for the abomination. The abomination ducked under the doorframe and began descending the steps to the front gate of Blight Manor.

All the while, Luz was trying to free herself from the abomination's grasp. She kicked and wriggled, but to no avail. It seemed that Mr. Blight's abomination wouldn't release Luz until it had completely removed her from the property. Luz wasn't going to let that happen, though. She was determined to get back to Amity. She had to rescue Amity from her abusive parents. Then, Luz got an idea. She pulled out her pencil and another piece of paper from her pocket. This time, Luz drew a plant glyph. She balled it up in her fist and punched into the abomination's chest, quickly retracting her hand before the spell activated. Vines sprouted from inside the abomination, tearing it apart. Luz fell to the ground, covered in gooey remains.

"Yuck," she said, trying to wipe herself off. Luz then turned around to see Mr. and Mrs. Blight standing outside the front door, watching her. "I told you I'm not going anywhere until I talk to Amity!" said Luz. "Just because you're her parents doesn't give you the right to treat her the way you do!"

"Of course it does," said Mrs. Blight. "We know what's best for Amity, even if she doesn't realize it yet. One day, she'll thank us for setting her back on the right path."

"You slapped Amity in the face!" Luz responded with rage, baffled by Mrs. Blight's self-righteousness.

"She wouldn't have if you hadn't corrupted our daughter," said Mr. Blight.

"Corrupted?!" exclaimed Luz.

"Silence! You're fortunate we're letting you off with a warning, human. Leave now, or I'll deal with you myself," Mr. Blight said as he summoned his staff. It was colored grey with a wolf palisman on top. Luz still wasn't afraid of him, though.

"You don't scare me! I fought Belos! I bet I can take you!"

"We'll see." Mr. Blight stepped forward and tapped his staff on the ground three times. Three more towering abominations, all the same size as the one Amity set on Luz during their duel at Covention, rose and surrounded Luz. "Abominations," said Mr. Blight, pointing his finger at Luz. "Destroy!"

All three abominations lunged at Luz. She managed to dodge them, quickly diving under the abomination to her right. Luz then sprinted into the Blight's front yard, drawing a couple of glyphs as she ran, which was hard.

"Get her!" barked Mr. Blight.

The abominations turned and pursued their target, but now Luz was ready for them. She pivoted and launched a fire glyph at the first abomination in the middle. It blew a big hole through the abomination's torso, staggering it. The second abomination on the left twisted off its head and lobbed it at Luz. She rolled out of the way of the impact. However, she had rolled into the path of the third abomination on the right. It brought both its fists down to smash Luz flat, but Luz quickly dove under it once again. As she did, Luz slapped an ice glyph on the abomination's ankle, freezing it whole. One down, two to go, Luz thought to herself.

"Father?" said a girl's voice from Luz's left.

"What's going on?" said a boy's voice from the same direction.

Luz turned and saw Em and Ed standing at the bottom of the steps to Blight Manor. They looked concerned and confused. Luz was relieved. She thought they might try to calm their parents or maybe even join the fight to help Luz.

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