Chapter 2: Affection Exposed & Cliffside Closure

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It had been a week since the stranger confronted Amity. She was planning to act on his advice and finally tell Luz how she felt about her, but she was overthinking it. Amity wanted everything to be perfect. She rehearsed how she would ask Luz out to the cliff and how she would confess her feelings. Amity even wrote down a few notes for herself, but nothing seemed right. And even though the stranger had told her not to worry about how other people might react to her love for Luz, she did. Amity couldn't help but worry about what her parents would do when they found out that their daughter was in love with a human who was also the student of a wild witch. For the time being, Amity wanted to be with Luz as much as possible until the time was right and she was ready to confess. One afternoon, Amity came over to the Owl House, and she and Luz had their first official Azura book club meeting. There weren't any new Azura books to talk about, so they just spent their time drawing fanart. Amity read from the books while Luz sketched out the scene descriptions.

"The sun's going to set soon," said Amity. "My parents will want me home before it gets dark."

"Can't you stay a little longer?" Luz pleaded.

"Sorry, but my parents aren't very flexible people. I'll get in serious trouble if I stay out past curfew."

"But we haven't finished our comic book adaptation of Azura's duel with Hecate at the Bog of Immediate Regret." Luz then pulled out a sock puppet of herself. "Don't go, Amity, pweeeeeez," she said in a silly voice. "We'd miss ya sooo much!"

Amity burst out laughing. "You're such a dork! I love you!"

The words hit Amity like a ton of bricks as soon as she said them. Amity quickly covered her mouth, as if that'd be any help, and stared at Luz, hoping Luz hadn't heard Amity saying she loves her.

Luz stared back at Amity with visible confusion and said, "What?"

Amity's face turned bright red with embarrassment, and she started to cry. This isn't how she wanted Luz to find out. Amity got up and sprinted out of the room.

"Amity, wait!" Luz called out. She began chasing after Amity, but she tripped. Luz got up again and tried to catch up to Amity. She reached the living room, where she found Eda and Lilith sitting on the couch. Eda was wearing her plum sweater, violet nightgown, and light yellow bunny slippers. Lilith was wearing a Bad Girl coven t-shirt and grey sweats. She was also wearing her big round glasses, and her hair was fluffy since she stopped straightening it once she moved into The Owl House. They looked surprised and bewildered. The front door was hanging open.

"What the heck is going on, Luz?" asked Eda as she stood up. "We just saw little miss perfect run out of here faster than one of my animated vegetables."

"I'm not sure. Amity and I were hanging out upstairs, and then she said she had to go, then I asked her to stay using puppetry, then she laughed and said she loves me, then her face turned red, then she ran off. I gotta find her!"

Lilith seemed more bewildered now than before, but Eda just looked concerned.

"Hoot! Hoot!" said Hooty. "I know where she went."

Luz rushed to the door and asked, "Where?"

"I saw her running along the cliffs towards the school."

"Thanks, Hooty," Luz said as she ran out of the house, chancing after Amity once again.

"You're welcome! Hoot! Hoot!"

"I had no idea Miss Blight was enamored with Luz," said Lilith. "Did you?"

"Yeah," Eda said as she shrugged and sat back down. "I was pretty sure Amity had a thing for the kid. She blushes every time she's around her. It's so obvious. Plus, I found this torn-up note Amity wrote asking Luz to Grom."

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