Chapter 7: Home

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Luz and Amity landed in front of the Owl House. They unloaded the bags Amity had brought with her, and then Amity sent her mother's staff flying back to Blight Manor.

"Hiya, Luz! Hiya, Amity!" said Hooty as the couple approached the front door. "How was your day? Hoot! Hoot!"

"It was... interesting," Luz said, not knowing how to define the day. It started well because she and Amity came out as a couple, and Willow finally told off Boscha. But then it ended badly because Amity's parents didn't accept that they were dating, and Mr. Blight almost killed her. It certainly wasn't a boring way to start the weekend.

"My day was pretty good! Hoot! Hoot! Wanna hear about it?"

"No thanks," Amity said as she opened the front door and marched inside, too tired to deal with Hooty right now.

"Maybe later," said Luz, following Amity inside.

"Okay! Later!"

"Eda! I'm home!" Luz called out as she and Amity placed the bags on the living room floor.

"I'm in the kitchen!" Eda called out from the kitchen.

Luz went into the kitchen. Amity followed her. They found Eda carrying a pot to the stove.

"Hi, Eda!" said Luz.

"Hey, kid. How was school today?" Eda said as she put the pot on the stove.

"School was good. Amity's here, too, by the way."

"Hey, Amity. How are y-" Eda stopped as she turned around and saw Luz. "Luz, why are covered in abomination goo?"

"It's kind of a long story."

"Go get cleaned before you tell it then."

"You got it, Boss Lady! And while I do that, Amity's got something to ask you."

"Luz! Wait!" Amity said. She wanted Luz's help asking Eda if she could move into the Owl House.

"Don't worry," Luz said. "Eda doesn't bite." She gave Amity a peck on the cheek and went upstairs to get de-gooed.

"Not often, at least," Eda said with a dry tone and stern look.

Amity gulped. She always felt a little intimidated around Eda. She was a wild witch and formerly the most wanted criminal on the Boiling Isles before Emperor Belos kind of pardoned her. Amity had been raised to be wary of wild witches, and after seeing Eda in her Owl Beast form during the broadcast of her attempted petrification, Amity really didn't want to get on Eda's bad side.

Eda's expression turned from stern to genial. "Ha!" she laughed. "Relax, kid. I'm just messin' with ya. Now, what did you want to ask me?"

Amity did relax a bit, but she was still nervous. "Well, um, I wanted to ask you-"

"Wait!" Eda interrupted. "Let me guess. You're planning on proposing to Luz, and you wanted to ask me for my blessing first?"


"I'm not much of a traditionalist, but I respect your decision to do things the old-fashioned way, especially if you're willing to pay a large bride price for Luz's hand in marriage."

Amity's face turned bright red. She'd played with the idea of marrying Luz - writing her first name with Luz's last name, writing Luz's first name with her last name, hyphenating both their last names - but Amity didn't expect Eda to ask outright if she was going to propose to Luz. They'd only just started dating. Amity was beyond flustered. She didn't know what to say. Amity rambled, "Wait! No! That's not- I mean, not that I wouldn't- it's too soon, right? Maybe somewhere down the line-"

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