Chapter 5: Perhaps the Most Dangerous Witch on the Boiling Isles

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"My colleagues are imbeciles!" shouted Mr. Blight as he stormed into the foyer.

"Composure yourself, dear," Mrs. Blight called out. "We have a guest."

"Guest? What guest?" Mr. Blight came into the parlor, his eyes full of fury with a hint of curiosity. As soon as he saw Luz, his expression relaxed. "Oh, I see. My apologies. I didn't know." Mr. Blight tried to force a friendly smile and sat next to Mrs. Blight. He didn't look much like Edric. He had the same golden eyes as the rest of the Blights, but that's pretty much where the resemblance ended. Mr. Blight had a longer, more stern, and weary-looking face. He also had brown hair, unlike the rest of his family.

"Alador," said Mrs. Blight. "This is Luz. She's a new friend of Amity's."

"Actually, Mother," said Amity. "I brought Luz here today to tell you both that..." The words got stuck in Amity's throat. This was the final point of no return. What she said next would change her relationship with her parents forever. Amity still wasn't sure if she was ready to make that change.

Mr. and Mrs. Blight leaned in and raised their eyebrows, waiting for their daughter to finish. "Tell us what, Amity?" asked Mr. Blight. "Speak up, dear," ordered Mrs. Blight.

Suddenly, Amity felt something touch her hand. It was Luz's hand. Amity turned to look at Luz. She gave Amity a kind smile and an encouraging nod. Amity nodded back at Luz and turned to her parents, ready to talk. "Mother, Father," Amity said. "Luz and I are more than friends. We're dating."

"I didn't know you were interested in dating," said Mr. Blight. He looked surprised.

"Yes, I thought we agreed you were going to focus on your studies," said Mrs. Blight. She looked surprised as well, but also slightly irritated.

"I haven't lost focus of my studies, Mother," said Amity. "And you're right, Father, I wasn't interested in dating, but that was before I met Luz. I've only known her for a couple of months, but we've made a real connection. Luz asked me out yesterday. I said yes, and now I've brought her here so you could all get to know each other."

"Very well," said Mr. Blight. "Let's get acquainted then, shall we?"

"Amity's already told me a little bit about you, Mr. Blight," said Luz.


"She told me that you're the chief councilor of the city council."

That seemed to strike a nerve. Mr. Blight got a cross look on his face. "Yes," he said. "Though it seems I'm presiding over a council of incompetence these days."

"Mind your temper, dear," said Mrs. Blight.

"Trouble at work?" asked Luz.

"Indeed. Again, I must apologize for getting riled. It's just that I've been trying to pass this bill into law, but none of my fellow council members will vote on it. They say it's a nonissue."

"What kind of bill are you trying to pass?"

"We don't have to talk about politics," Amity chimed in. She tried to think of a different topic that Luz and her parents might have a common interest in, but she couldn't think of anything. "Lovely weather we're having, isn't it?"

"Don't be rude, Amity," said Mrs. Blight. "Our guest asked your father a question."

"It's ok, Amity," said Luz. "I don't mind talking politics for a bit. I've actually been meaning to learn a little about how things run around here."

Amity tried to give Luz a look, warning her not to discuss her father's bill. Luz wasn't looking at Amity, though. Her focus was on Mr. Blight.

"The bill I'm trying to pass," he started. "Is called the Security for Witches Act. If I can convince my colleagues to pass it, this bill will restrict humans from using public Bonesborough facilities. It will also establish a curfew that will keep humans off the streets at night."

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