Chapter 4: Confronting the Parents

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After school, Amity brought Luz to Blight Manor to meet her parents. This was an important moment in their relationship. It was also a moment  Amity had been dreading since she first developed feelings for Luz. Many people on the Boiling Isles didn't like humans because they were foreign and strange to the Demon Realm. Amity's parents, however, were especially intolerant. They were unforgiving and unapologetic elitists who didn't tolerate anyone or anything that fell even a hair short of their expectations. There were many reasons why Amity loved Luz, but Amity was afraid that her parents wouldn't like Luz for most of those same reasons.

Amity felt small as she stood at the front door, like a bug that was about to get stepped on. This is ridiculous, Amity thought to herself. This was my idea. I can't freeze at the front door! Oh no! How long have I been standing here!? I must look like a dumb coward! Amity's hand had been hovering over the doorbell for approximately five seconds. It's not too late to turn back, Amity began to think. I can't face them! They won't understand or accept this!

"Hey, are you okay?" Luz asked.

"What?" said Amity, snapping back to reality.

"Are you okay? You look like a deer in headlights."

"A what in what-lights?" Amity didn't know what either of those things were.

"Nevermind. Listen, I know your parents aren't the nicest people, but you and I can do this. Besides, I'm sure we'll win them over once they see how cute we are together!"

Luz's warm, reassuring smile gave Amity a boost of confidence. She didn't want to waste any more time overthinking, trying to plan the perfect way to tell her parents that she was in love with a human. Amity wanted to rip the bandaid off. She knew that she'd never get around to telling her parents the truth if she waited for the right moment. Amity also knew that if she didn't tell them today, they would find out from rumors and gossip, and then the conversation would be way more stressful. Amity went to ring the doorbell, then she thought of something.

"Wait," said Amity.


"Pull up your cowl."


"Because if my mom and dad see your ears, they're going to judge you before they get to know you. But if you hide your ears, maybe you can win them over before they realize that you're a human."


"I'm sorry. You shouldn't have to pretend to be something you're not, and you don't have to if you don't want to. I just think that this will be easier if they get to know you for who you are first instead of what you are."

Luz felt conflicted at the idea of hiding her ears to get Amity's parents to like her. On the one hand, she generally thought that hiding who you are just to fit in was wrong. On the other hand, Luz didn't want Amity's parents to judge her before they got to know her either. "Okay. Just for a little bit, though. This feels like lying, and I don't want my relationship with your parents to be based on a lie."

"It's not lying. We're just... delaying the truth. You won't have to hide your ears the whole time. Just long enough for my parents to see how great you are."

"Alright. If you say so."

Luz pulled up her cowl, hid her ears, and Amity finally rang the doorbell. A few seconds later, a little green man with tusks wearing formal attire answered the door. "Welcome home, Mistress Amity," he said. "Who is your guest, might I ask?"

"Woah!" said Luz. "Amity, you didn't tell me you had a butler! Hi! I'm Luz!"

Luz offered her hand to the butler, but he bowed his head instead and said, "Welcome to Blight Manor, Mistress Luz."

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