2. Carnival

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After a few minuets you made your way back up to the stage ready for Kitty Sections rehearsal. Ivan was ready on the drums, Rose at the microphone, Juleka at her guitar, and Luka was testing out his electric guitar. You couldn't take your eyes off of Luka, all he was doing was strumming his guitar.
After a few minuets Luka looked over at you and your eyes met. You instantly blushed and put your head down.
'don't look, don't look, don't look'

You couldn't help it, you rose your head and didn't look anywhere near Luka. After a few minuets you'd totally forgot about it and was looking at the whole band playing their music together. You had a huge smile in your face watching the band together. Looking at them one by one you and Luka locked eyes again as he was playing. This time you didn't look away, you looked into his eyes with a small smile rising on your face, he gave you a smile in return.
"Oooooo [Y/N] have you got a crush!?" Alya said nudging you.
"Me, what Luka? No way, he's just a friend."
"Okay girl, okay." She patted you on your back and you both went back to watching the rehearsal. Kitty Section were singing their original song and it was amazing, all of them were so talented in their own way. You watched in amazement, not taking your eyes off of them the whole time.

The hours rehearsal had gone by really quickly in your opinion and everyone had been together packing up all the groups equipment. You tried to get yourself away from Luka after the embarrassment you had from getting caught looking at him. Even though you was tempted to talk to him after seeing his glance ever so often through the corner of your eye while he was putting away his guitar and you were making drink for you and Marinette, you refuse to embarrass yourself again. Instead, to take your mind off of everything you said you and Marinette both sat on the boat enjoying your drinks. She had a fruit punch while you had a raspberry smoothie. The two of you were sat on the boat giggling and talking to each other, not even thinking about anything but that.

"Oh hey [Y/N] by the way. Me, Adrien and our friend Kagami are all going to a carnival tomorrow night. Do you want to come and go round with me?" Marinette asked you.
"You? and Adrien? Oh boy. That won't end well." You widened your eyes while taking another sip of your drink.
"Hey!" She nudged you and you both laughed together. "That's why I'm asking you so we can go our way they can go the other."
"Ahhh, so you don't embarrass yourself?"
"Uh okay [Y/N] I heard you stuttering downstairs in front of Luka earlier." You blushed a deep red.
'that's so embarrassing'
"Whatever Marinette! At least I can actually speak to him now!" You smiled and nudged her.
"Oh can you now? Go start a conversation with him then y/n!"
"Uh, no!" She jokingly shook her head and you both took another sip of your drink.

"Ah shoot gotta go home. My mums making dinner for 6 and I told her I'll be home for it." You said while standing up and placing your glass on the table in front of you.
"Oh yeah that's fine, see you tomorrow! You can bring a friend to the carnival tomorrow if you'd like!" Marinette smiled at you.
"Bye Marinette!" You made your way into the dark outside, the was a slight breeze of your shoulders but it was bearable for the 5 minute walk. The whole group had gone inside for the day and they were all starting to come into the living room just before you'd left.

A small shiver went down your spine and you stepped onto the deck of the boat making your way to the exit. You began to step onto the board that took you onto land when you slipped on a plastic wrapper. Luckily someone's behind you caught you by your wrist and one hand under your back. They helped you up not letting go of your wrist. Like they wanted you to turn around, so you did.
"Woah!" Your shouted as you were surprised to see who it was.
It was Luka.
"Oh um, hey Luka." You stuttered.
"Hey [Y/N], I was wondering, do you wanna come sit by the river with me for a bit?" He asked you still with ahold of your hand.
"I'd love to Luka but, I have to get home to my mother. She wants me home by 6."
"No worries [Y/N], maybe another time."
"Yeah." You smiled as you brushed your arms from the breeze. You stood still for a second looking at the floor while Luka began to walk away.
"Hey Luka." You started, he turned around to look at you, waiting for you to speak.
"Um, me Kagami, Marinette and Adrien are going to the carnival tomorrow night. Would you like to come?"
"Sure [Y/N]." He smiled.
"Okay, we'll pick you up on our way."
"Goodnight, Luka."
"Goodnight [Y/N]." You blushed and walked off the boat with your arms crossed.

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