18. All Hands on Deck

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You got into the perfect outfit for your first proper date with Luka, you were so excited you could burst. You made everything you were wearing was perfect, your makeup was perfect. Everything was going to go well, you could feel it.

You said your goodbyes to your parents and messaged Luka as you walked, telling him you were on your way to his boat. You were so excited but your heart was nearly exploding because of how nervous  you were. You'd never been on a date before so you had no idea what to expect but as long as it was with Luka everything was going to be perfect no matter what.


You arrived at the boat and the whole front of the deck had goorgeous colour changing fairy lights. It looked beautiful.
"Welcome darling." Luka smiled as he stepped off the boat holding his hand out for you.
"Luka this is beautiful!" You said in amazement.
"So are you y/n. Shall we go?" You smiled and he led you onto the front of the deck. It was all decorated with red and white checkered picnic blankets and soda to go with it. There was sandwiches, cakes, fruit, Luka really put his heart and soul into it.

"Oh my gosh Luka! You did all this in a few hours!?"
"Anything for you, I hope you like it."
"I love it! It's the sweetest thing someones ever done for me! Thank you Luka, I love yo- uh i mean i love the decorations! Yes they really fit the uh, the theme!"
"Yeah um, let's just sit." You awkwardly smiled.
'that was close, again.'

The night was going great, you and Luka were talking about all the things you'd hope to do together in the future, he told you he'd love to take you to Spain one day, not for a few years, but soon. Yo loved the idea of going to Spain since the only place you'd ever been is Paris since you moved from you home country. The two of you watched the stars and they all shone up in the sky, a gorgeous view it gave you let me say, it was a perfect night for your date. The breeze wasn't too cold, the stars in the sky, the twinkling fairy lights that surrounded you.

Another topic of the night was akumatized people. It had been 2 weeks since you have been akumatized and you still remember nothing. You both talked about  when you turned into possession thief and when he turned into silencer. It was scary at the time but looking back on it now you both found it hilarious, you both as supervillains trying to steal some jewels from some random teenagers no one knew. You both laughed together as you told each other what you did when you were akumatized. Luka told you what you did to Lila and in all honesty you found it hilarious, that brat deserved it.

The sun slowly went down until there was a nice golden view on both of you. Luka stood up and played some calming music asking you to dance. You swiftly stood up as Luka wrapped is arms around your waist holding you tightly. You placed your arms round his neck resting you head on his chest as you slowly danced together. It was so peaceful, calm, prefect. Everything you'd ever wanted. Luka's grasp was tight around you, never letting you go. You felt his deeps breaths as the song continued.

I mean, you was going to save this until prom but, screw it. This moment feels right, even more right than prom.
"Luka?" You said pulling out of his grasp.
"Yes y/n?"
"I need to tell you something."
"What is it?" He said with a confused tone.

"I, I love you Luka..."


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Lovestruck ~ Luka Couffaine X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now