13. A Pottery Class With Y/N

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~knock knock~
You opened the door and there he was, his beautiful blue eyes standing at the door.
"Hey Luka! Come on in I have everything set up." He stopped inside and you took his hand taking him into your pottery room. Inside was two stands and two massive boxes of clay with a tray of tools for each person. You took the left and Luka took the right.
"Okay so what do you want to learn first?" You asked him.
"I'll make anything you want Y/N. what would you say is the easiest?"
"Well the easiest thing for me is probably a bowl or a cup so take your pick."
"A bowl seems more simple for me since that it's a wider area to work on."
"Alright then." You walked over to Luka grabbing a block of clay from the tub and placing it on his surface. You got a little bowl of water and started explaining to him what to do. He was kind of confused at first but after a while he got the gist. He was actually better at pottery than you thought he was going to be, he said he was making his bowl for you so you decided to make your bow for him. The actual pottery self talk about hour to do since Luka's kept falling apart he didn't really need your help at all, he was a fast learner which didn't come to your surprise to say he played the guitar. After a few mistakes everything was going smoothly, your bowl had fallen apart a few times but it was nothing  you couldn't handle, you've been doing pottery for so long you've practically seen everything a mistake in the book.
"Alright we need to leave them for an hour." You said placing the bowls into the oven.
"I hope I didn't mess up i'm normally not very good at doing things for the first time."
"I'm sure you did amazing." You said going to giving him a hug.
"Well, while the bowls  are baking why don't I try and teach you to play the guitar."
"I mean you could try but I'm not fast leaner like you I've never really been good at instruments."
"Come." He took your hand taking you into the living room. He put the guitar over your front and stepped behind you. He put your hand in the right place and guided you through one of his favourite songs. Even though you wasn't doing it all yourself you was proud that you could you were actually capable of doing something musical. To say you're not good at learning instruments you picked up some of the keys while you are learning. Luka was a great teacher and he actually got you into some form of music, who knows the future maybe you'll be playing the guitar with Luka, but we'll just stay in the present for now.

One hour went by really quickly you know what they say time flies when you're having fun. You took the pottery out of the oven with your gloves and left it to cool for 10 minutes while they were cooling your got the paint ready to decorate your bowls. Once they were cool you placed each of your bowls on your surface and  began designing your bowls. You gave Luka a tip and told him to sketch his design in pencil before he painted it which was probably a good idea because he made a lot of mistakes as you could see out of the corner of your eyes he was rubbing out a lot of the pencil marks. You put on some music to cancel the silence out for a bit, you were talking here and there but you both realised when you were concentrating you went silent. After about 15 minutes with your head down, you put your head up to look at Luka's design, it was absolutely outstanding you was blown away at how amazing he was at art.
"Wow Luka that's amazing!"
"Not as amazing as yours y/n."
"No it definitely is! I didn't know you were so good at art!"
"I took art in school, I passed with an A but I don't think I deserved it. My final piece was terrible."
"Well from the look of your bowl I doubt it."
"You should look at yours, I really like the detail."
"Well good because my bowls for you."
"And mines for you y/n, that's why i'm putting so much work into it." He smiled. God you loved that boy so much, you wanted to tell him but, it wasn't the right time.

"Thank you for inviting me over y/n, and this bowl it beautiful, just like you." He teased.
"Thank you for coming Luka!" You kissing him before he got on his bike carefully putting his bowl in the basket at the front of his bow and riding off home.
Tonight really did get your mind off of everything that had happened at school, now you just had to deal with them all tomorrow. God knows what Lila has up her sleeve for you...

 God knows what Lila has up her sleeve for you

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