16. Announcement

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[The Girls🤪🤍]

I'm not going to school today, I have a really bad feeling I'm going to panic again.

Awh come on y/n! Miss Bustier said she had an announcement to make today, we don't want you to miss it!

You can just tell me after school.

It won't be the same if your not there, plus yesterday when you went out with Marinette I shouted at everyone and they promised never to bring it up again.

Please y/n!

We could get you there early when no one's there so you don't have to walk into a classroom full of people this time.

Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase y/n!

Alright fine, thank you girls 💕


Haha okay Marinette. Also Alya I need to ask you a question.

Sure what is it y/n?

Marinette's mention a boy called Nino that's in our class and apparently he's your boyfriend.

Yeah he is.

Where is he? Because I've been in this country for 3 weeks now and as far as I'm aware there's no Nino in our class.

He's on a 1 months trip to Dubai with his parents. He's coming home next week.

Oh right okay. Anyways I have to go get ready bye girls see you soon! ❤️

Bye girl!

Byeee y/n!!!!


You stood up from..... Luka's bed?

'Oh no! Did I sleep here! My mums gonna be so mad! I have no clothes! Oh god!'

"Oh, you awake then, good morning y/n." Luka said coming around the corner into his bedroom.

"Hey Luka um do you have like a vehicle or something? Because I'm meeting Marinette in 5 minuets and I have no clothes."

"No but here," Ha passed you one of his hoodies from his closet, it was dark blue like his jacker and had a small L on the left hand side, it smelt like him too which was AMAZING!

"Thank you Luka." You put on his hoodie, keeping the same trousers on you had yesterday and ran to meet Marinette.

"Hey y/n!" Marinette ran to you as she saw you, it's like she hadn't seen you in years. "uhhhhh, is that a new hoodie? I've never seen it before."

"Oh um, it's not actually mine, it's Luka's. He took me back to his place and I fell asleep on his sofa then woke up in his bed."

"AWWW THAT'S SO CUTEE! You two were made for each other!"

"Yeah like you and Adrien!"

"AH shhhh! He doesn't see me like that plus he's just a friend!"

"Right 'just a friend.'"

"He is! That doesn't matter, let's go the class, school starts in 5."
"Alright." You hands were shaking, jaw clattering together, your legs shaking so much you knees were almost knocking together.
"You good?" Marinette said turning around and seeing how much you were shaking.
"I'm fine, just a bit nervous."
"Don't worry they won't say anything."
"You said that yesterday." You wanted to believe Marinette deep down but a part of you also believed someone was going to say something. In all honesty you wished you'd stayed at Lukas, but this was for the girls and kind of yourself since you had to face the class eventually. The more you waited the more you'd get worked up and stressed out about it. Knowing you had Luka's jumper on made you feel so much better, you felt like you had a piece of him with you at all times, he'd know exactly what to do and how to comfort you in every situation.

As you and Marinette stepped inside of the classroom it was empty, no one had been in since the caretaker at 6 in the morning.
"See, empty." You chuckled with relief,

'maybe this wasn't a bad idea.'


School had started and everyone was coming in one by one, so far so good, even Chloe and Lila didn't say anything.

"Alright class like I said yesterday I have a very special announcement that will be happening in 2 months!" Miss Bustier said standing at the front of the classroom. The class cheered asking and asking what the announcement was.

"What is it!"
"Is it a trip to Disneyland!?"
"Is it fun?!"
"Alright class settle down, the quicker your quiet the quicker I can make the announcement!"

Everyone settled down really quickly.

"So, I'm happy to announce that in 2 months time our school will be holding a prom! Ever student can bring a date! They don't have to go to this school they can be from anywhere!"

Everyone got really excited especially you since you already had your date in mind.

~After Class~

"So, who are you all thinking of asking to prom?" You asked.

"I'm going to ask Nino when he gets back." ~ Alya

"Don't you dare say anything but, I'm going to ask Alix." ~ Kim

"Uhh, um yeah I uh I'm gonna ask Rose, um yeah." ~ Juleka

"I'm asking Marc." ~ Nathaniel

"Ivan has already asked me and I said yes." ~ Mylene

"Marinette this is your chance! You can ask Adrien!" Alya said as she saw Adrien walking towards the group.
"UH no no no no! I'm going by myself!"
"Hey Adrien!" Lila stood in front of Adrien, "so um, I cancelled my trip with Prince Ali so I can come to the prom so I was wondering if you'd go with me?"
"Uh, sorry Lila, I've already got someone else I want to take. Marinette?" He said stepping around Lila and in front of Marinette. "Would you like to go to prom with me?"
"Uh, I-, uh. go no I MEAN, go away, NO I MEAN-"
"What she's trying to say is she'll go with you." You said putting your hand on Marinette's shoulder.
"Right that isn't I MEAN is, what I was trying to say."
"Alright, text me about it okay?"
"Sure won't! UH sure will!"

"What about you y/n? Who are you going with?" Adrien asked.
"Oh um, I'm going to ask my boyfriend Luka."
"Well I hope he says yes." He smiled.
"Speaking of the devil he just got here, bye guys I'll see you tomorrow."

You walked outside giving Luka a hug and a kiss.

"How was your day?." He said, still with his arms wrapped around you
"Amazing actually."
"That makes me happy, you deserve it y/n."
"My teacher announced that there is a prom happening in my school in 2 months and uh, well I was wondering if you wanted to maybe go with me?"
"I'd love to y/n, you know I will." He smiled, kissing you again before wrapping his arm around you and walking you home.
"Have a nice night y/n, I lo-"
"Have a nice night hun." You stepped inside your house closing the door behind you, after a few seconds you saw Luka shadow walk away. At least you had your prom date sorted for next month, a perfect time to tell Luka you love him...

 At least you had your prom date sorted for next month, a perfect time to tell Luka you love him

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