21. A Damsel In Distress

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"Do I see a damsel in distress?" A voice came from behind you as you were silently crying to yourself on the balcony. You turned around and it was...
"Cat Noir? What are you doing here?"
"Well you know I was finish up my daily purrrrtrol and heard a party going on down here, so I came to check it out and saw you crying on the balcony."
"Oh, right."
"So," he said sitting on one of the decorated chairs on the balcony with his hands behind his head and legs crossed, "what happened?"
"Oh, it's nothing."
"Nu uh, I didn't come over here to you crying for you to say 'it's nothing.' Tell me what happened y/n."
"How'd you know my name?"
"Uh- we met before! On the grass when you said you might be crushing on this guy. Luka I think his name was."
"Ugh don't say his name." You said as tears fell from your eyes.
"Ohhhh, I see, this has something to do with him doesn't it?"
"Mhm." You slightly nodded your head.
"What can I say, boys always mess up!"
"Uh, you're a boy?"
"Nu uh pretty lady, I'm a man."
"It's the same- never mind."
"Do you really think i'd have these massive biceps if I was a boy? No way, these are muscles of a man!"
You chuckled slightly as him flexing his arms in the seat.
"There you go! I cracked a smile out of you! I'm handsome and funny! Gosh could I get anymore purrrrfect? Now, tell me what happened."
"Well, me and Luka are- well, were dating so we came to prom together obviously, and as I was coming back from getting us drinks I saw him kissing another girl. He said it wasn't what I thought it was and I needed to listen but I didn't want to hear his voice so a ran off up here."
"Oh wow, maybe you should've heard him out? I mean we all make misunderstandings once in a while."
"It's probably an excuse. He claims he loves me more than anything and he can't loose me."
"Then I doubt it was an excuse y/n."
"Whatever, I can be bothered with him right now, i'm just gonna go home and get some sleep, i'll speak to him when i'm ready"
"It best be sooner rather than later before he stops trying and you never heard him out then you find out it was a misunderstanding and you lost the boy you loved because you didn't hear him out."
"I- What?"
"You heard, now I also have to head out before I change back, remember y/n, hear him out!" He said as he extended his stick into the air, jumping from building to building in the distance.
"I wish I wanted to Cat Noir, I do...."

~The Next Morning~
You looked at your phone to check the time, you weren't going to school today as you didn't even have to energy to get out of bed. You checked your phone to see what time it was and...

 You checked your phone to see what time it was and

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"Ugh." You said as you laid your phone screen down on your bedside cabinet and going back to sleep, you couldn't understand why that boy didn't leave u alone when you made it clear you didn't want to speak to him at that moment of time.
'forget about it y/n talk to him later....'

~The Next Day - At School~
You sat in your regular seat next to Adrien while the rest of the class came in. You were getting your notes out and someone tapped on your shoulder from behind you.
"What's your Alya?" You asked.
"Did Luka come to your house at all or text you?"
"He text me at quarter to 6 but that's it."
"Quarter to 6 in the morning!?"
"Jeez can't he give you space."
"Yeah, it's whatever i'll just forget about it and speak to him when i'm ready."
"I told him that but he clearly didn't listen."
"It's whatever i'll talk to him when i'm ready."

As you exited the school Ladybug can zooming past you with her yo-yo knocking you onto the floor by accident.
"I'm so sorry!" She shouted as she carried on, unable to stop as she was chasing the akumatized victim.
"Here let me help you." Someone said grabbing your arms and pulling you up. You dusted yourself off and said.
"Thanks......" You put your head up, "...Luka. What are you doing here, if you're here to say things to me again go, i'll talk to you when I'm ready why can't you understa-!"
"I'm here to pick up my sister."
"Oh, well um, continue." Your face went beet red as you quickly walked down the entrance stairs and as far away from him as possible.

"That was so embarrassing." You said rethinking the moment over and over again. "Ugh why is my life like this!"
"Dang you really are in distress."
"Cat Noir!" You said turning around to see him sat on the bench that was behind you. "You scared me!"
"My apologies, anyways me and bugaboo just finished de-akumatizing a victim to I came to see how your drama is doing."
"Oh that's my nickname for m'lady."
"Oh right yeah sorry, ladybug."
"Ohhhh okay."
"So how's your drama, breakup or whatever doing?"
"Not great honestly." You sat beside him on the bench. "He was constantly texting me last night and when I saw him a minute ago i thought he was there to talk to me so I blew up in his face and it turns out he was there to pick up his sister."
"Oooh that's embarrassing."
"Tell me about it! I went so red!"
"Haha well my only advice is keep away from him and avoiding him until you're ready, no matter how much he texts you, appears in front of you ignore him. Even if he tries speaking to you in person don't answer and walk away."
"Ughhh this is so annoying, why'd he have to kiss Lila!? She's so, not his type and so... not, his, type. Wait a second, Luka would never date Lila, he used to always tell me that he couldn't stand her and how she was so mean to Marinette because she figured out she was a liar. So that means...
I got it all wrong."


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Lovestruck ~ Luka Couffaine X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now