24. The untold truth

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~2 weeks go by, after your encounter with Luka in the street you hadn't seen him since, nor had you gone out for a walk by yourself again in fear of running into him and letting your anger get the better of you again.~

For the first time in a while you were excited to go to school, now that your were up and about again feeling much better you was excited to get out of the house and get back for the things you'd missed. You had been in school but you never really payed attention. 99% if the time you were asleep, Miss Bustier had heard about your and Luka's breakup so most of the time she just let you sleep, if she was teaching something that was important that's when she'd wake you up.

Lila hadn't been in school either, you hadn't seen her since the whole café situation. To be fair with your knowledge on Lila she was probably 'saving the dolphins' again.

You got up at 7:00am for school and began to get ready when your phone dinged. It was a message from an unknown number with an attachment sent.

"What is this?" You said, "Probably a scam

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"What is this?" You said, "Probably a scam." You put your phone down and thought nothing of it... until it dinged again.

"Wha- nah nah nah this is creepy how do they know my name?"

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"Wha- nah nah nah this is creepy how do they know my name?"


Who is this? And how do you know my name?

That doesn't matter, if you want to fix things watch the videos.

Fix things? I have nothing I need to fix 🤨

Luka. You have things to fix with Luka.

No I don't? Things ended with me and Luka well over 3 months ago, i'm over it and i'm pretty sure he is too.

You think wrong y/n...

Excuse me?

Watch the videos, you'll change your mind on that 'over it' thing.


You have been blocked by this number

Yo what HEY! Come back!
❗️Message failed to deliver

"What the heck!?" You said out of frustration, not only had this anonymous person brung up Luka but they'd left you in confusion making you rethink everything. "Whatever let's see what these stupid videos are."

You clicked on the attachment and saw three videos listed:
Cam 1
Cam 2
Cam 3

"Uhhh, why have they sent me this?" You clicked on the 'Cam 1' video and there open the Café, the videos sent to you was the CCTV footage from the day you walked into the Café to see Lila and Luka together...

"Who sent me this?" You said. "and why is Lila... grabbing... Luka's... hand?"

End of Chapter.

Lovestruck ~ Luka Couffaine X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now