25. Luka's POV

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[A/N: In this chapter i will be referring the the character as "I" or "me" as in this chapter i am speaking from Luka's perspective.]

It all happened so fast really. One minute i was enjoying prom with my beautiful girlfriend that i loved to the depths of the earth and back and then the next minute she was flipping out on me and broke up with me. I had no idea what to do in the moment, all i wanted to do was go upstairs and speak to her but my sister and her friends all tried to stop me. The whole situation was so frustrating, because it was all a misunderstanding...

I was so excited to be going to prom with my girlfriend, it was finally I way for me to tell her I loved her, I did tell her once but she was asleep so she didn't hear me. I made sure i had the perfect suit and I even prepared a song for after prom... which i never got to play.

Me and y/n got to the school and it was all decorated beautifully, I couldn't wait to spend the night with the most beautiful girl i'd ever seen. The night was going great and we were all having a blast, some amazing songs were playing and we were all dancing together which felt nice because it's not something that happened often.

Around 3 hours into the prom y/n said she was going to get us drinks, that's when the witch approached me (kinda looks like one too can't lie.) Anyways, she started asking me if i was having a good time which i replied to with yes. Then she asked who my date was,
"Y/n." I said. That's when she gave the devilish look she has when she's up to no good.
"Where is she now?" She said still with the look on her face, I wanted to get out of the situation because i knew just by her face she was up to no good.
"She's getting drinks, I better go find her." I said trying to get out of her grasp that she had taken on my wrist.
"Good she won't see us then." That's when it happened, Lila pulled me in and kissed me, I was so shocked I didn't know what to do, that's why I didn't pull away. The worst of it was, y/n saw it all. I couldn't imagine the pain she was in seeing that, she trusted me and my dumbass was too shocked to pull away that it looked like i was kissing Lila back.

I tried to get to y/n upstairs all night after she ran away, but I wasn't able to get up since my sister and all of her friends stopped me, I broke down. I started crying my eyes out because of what I'd done, even though i had no control over it. Lila had obviously fled which probably meant she was planning to break us up that night anyways, and it worked. Y/n broke up with me. I texted her for days trying to get her to let me explain but nothing would work. Eventually I kind of accepted the fact she wasn't going to let me explain and I waited until she came to me. When she finally did I messed up again...


To help me get outside after mine and y/n's breakup i got myself a job at a local cafe. The café was well know in France and was always pretty busy. One day, she came in. Not y/n, Lila. The person I hated most in the whole entire world showed up where I work. Since I was already cleaning in the seating area my boss told me to serve Lila. I really didn't want to but at the same time i didn't want to loose my job.
"Oh hey Lukey." She said in her sweet but sour voice. 
"Don't call me Lukey, my name is Luka. What do you want."
"Well that isn't very good customer service is it!"
"What do you want Lila?"
"Hmmm I would like..." The bell for the Café door rang, meaning that someone had just walked into to Cafe. I didn't know it at the time, but it was y/n. Lila on the other hand looked at the door when it opened and obviously saw y/n or in her eyes saw and opportunity to break us up even more. As soon as she saw y/n coming towards us she grabbed my hand like it was meant to happen i was just about to pull away and y/n turned me around and started screaming at me and ended up passing out.

I was so worried she was always healthy as anything so I immediately got her to the hospital she was really mad at me staying and told me before she left to never speak to or contact her again. I was heartbroken, this one big huge misunderstanding had broken us apart and i hated the fact i couldn't explain anything but at the same time i didn't want to chase y/n if she said she was done. I hoped eventually we could go back to the way we was as friends if she would forget about everything that had happened.

3 months later.

I was coming home from work one night and saw a familiar back profile. It was y/n, it had been such a long time since i'd seen or heard from her. I haven't seen her since the hospital which was 3 months ago. I tried making small talk and asking her how she was but she was very eager to get out of there. I was determined to get her to stay and chat but that's when she blew up in my face. I was honestly terrified, i'd never seen this side of y/n before she was always sweet and kind but here she was absolutely furious and screaming in my face. All i could think to do was back up. She ended up leaving in anger before I could explain what really happened, after hearing what i looked like from her point of view it did look really bad.

So that's when i decided to draw the line and sort things out. I asked my boss for a tape of the CCTV footage of the date y/n passed out to be sent to me VIA email, once i got the email I saved the clips to my phone and sent them to y/n. I knew she wouldn't know who sent them because she deleted my number. I hoped that if i got her to watch the videos, she'd come and let me explain everything.

 I hoped that if i got her to watch the videos, she'd come and let me explain everything

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It took a while, but i hope i got her to watch them...

End of Chapter.

Lovestruck ~ Luka Couffaine X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now