10. Unknown

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[a/n: you'll see the word 'caio' in this chapter. If your confused it means goodbye! Enjoy my chapter m'lady <3]

You, Marinette and all your other friends had finally made it up to the top of the long metal stairs that always felt like a workout, way different to the ones you had back in your old country. But every workout has it's prizes, your prize today was Miss Bustier as your teacher. Even though you hadn't been here long Miss Bustier was 100% your favourite teacher. She always treated everyone with respect and only lost her temper if someone was seriously wrong. In fact she was probably the reason you and the whole class got on so well together, apart from Chloé that is, you doubted if that girl even knew what the word 'nice' meant.

"Okay everyone settle down." Miss Bustier said as she entered the room to a loud and noisy class. Everyone settled down pretty quickly as it was Miss Bustier taking the class.
"Some of you may remember Lila. She went on a 4 month trip to Hawaii to help out with saving the dolphins that has washed up onto shore."
"That's a total lie." You heard Marinette say under her breath. Afterwards Lila had entered the room, everyone was happy to see her so you assumed they didn't think she was a liar and they liked her.
"Hey everyone, yes I know i've been away for a long time but i'm back now and I hope you are all as welcoming as I remember."

Lila walked up to you, with a innocent smile on her face she said: "Excuse me, that's my seat." You looked her dead in the eyes and said, "No, Miss Bustier put me here well over a week ago."
"There's a spear seat at the back, I'm sure you can sit there." She grinned, acting as if everything as about her, just as you assumed she would.
"Why can't you sit there?" You said, your temper rising quickly. You had a short temper and it seemed Lila was ready to test that.
"Oh! No one must of told you, I have a hearing problem in my left ear so I have to sit and the front so I can hear." She said pointing to her right ear.
"That's your right ear Lila." Marinette said from behind you.
"Oops my bad! I have really bad memory loss so I sometimes mix up my lefts and my rights. Thanks for telling me Marinette your so sweet."
"...Sure." You replied. Well you knew one thing for definite. You believed Marinette that Lila is a liar because she was. She was nothing but a self centred liar.
"Y/n you can just sit at the back," Miss Bustier smiled at you, "Then there's no trouble."
"Fine." You said standing up locking eyes with Lila as you walked past. Walking up the small stairs to your seat you whispered into Marinette's ear, "I believe you now." You both exchanged smiles and you went to your new seat. Right at the back of the class. You weren't going to say anything to Lila, after all you were still the new kid so you didn't want to start drama and make a fuss.

~after class~
"Hey! y/n is it?" Lila approached you in the hallway. Right away you knew it was her. Your could just tell from her annoying screechy voice. So you sighed and slowly turned around.
"Yes it is." You said.
"I'm so sorry for making a fuss in there it's just, my hearings slowly getting worse and everyone's doing all they can to help me and i'm sure we can put this aside and be friends." You had almost had it with this heartless lying little brat that only cared about herself, and the attention she craved all the time.
"Sure, consider it in the past." You replied.
"Awesome. Well see you around y/n!" She walked off holding her bag with the pathetic strut that she had. Of course you weren't actually friends with Lila, you didn't even like her. You just said it to get it all out of the way and not start more drama, but you had a feeling this wasn't going to be the last you heard of Lila.

"Hey what was that about?" Marinette asked as she was approaching you.
"Oh she was just apologising for earlier and asked me to be friends."
"What did you say?"
"I said sure and i'll put it in the past."
"What!? Don't tell me you believe her-"
"I'm telling you y/n she's a liar!-"
"She doesn't mean it she-"
"I'm not actually her friend calm down. I only said it so there's not drama. Remember i'm still the new kid."
"Oh, right well um we're all going Luka's now. You coming."
"How could I not!" You smiled, the both of you ran down the stairs to meet the others outside the school.


"Luka!" You said as you saw him running into his arms giving him a big hug.
"Hey y/n, how's your day been?"
"It's been okay, just a little bit of drama with Lila but nothing I couldn't handle."
"That's good. It's made my day knowing your happy." You smiled kissing him on the lips.
"Ahem. Sorry to interrupt you lovebirds but y/n you have a message on your phone. From an unknown number."
"Oh it's probably a scam i'll answer it later."
"Really? It looks urgent."
"Ugh fine." You said taking the phone out of Alya's hands.

Hello y/n

Who is this and how do you know my name?

I heard what you said to Marinette. How your 'my friend.'


I'm going to be straight with you y/n. You have to choose tomorrow if you want to be my friend for real, or we're at war. I said the same thing to Marinette. Why do you think she hates me so much? Just saying if you choose war like the mistake Marinette made, I will make your life a living hell. I will steal your friends, turn everyone against you and i'll also get my hands on that handsome charm of yours. Luka is he called?

Oh yeah? How you gonna do that then Lila.

I'm a very persuadable liar y/n. Anyways who do you think they're going to believe? There long known friend who 'saved the dolphins' in Hawaii or some scrappy new kid from another country.

Fine. I'll decide by tomorrow.

Awesome. Now bye y/n, don't forget to spend some time with that charm of yours after all depending on the decision you make, it may be your last time together.

I get it Lila no need to rub it in.

Caio y/n

Yeah yeah.


You were slouched on the sofa, holding your phone open on the messages. All that you could think about what what Lila said, you knew she'd be able to take Luka from you. Luka was the boy who had your heart, you really didn't want to see him taken away from you. The thought of it made you break down in tears, at the worst moment too. Luka came down the stairs to see you crying on the sofa.
"Y/n! What's wrong?" He said coming to sit next to you immediately putting his arm around you pulling you close to him.
"It's Lila.." You sobbed.
"What happened? You can tell me everything y/n, or nothing if you'd like to keep it private. I'm always here for you." You continued to cry unable to get your words out. You were so angry and upset you had to idea what to do.

"Y/N GET BACK!" Luka shouted to you, standing up and pushing you behind him.
"It's an akuma! Hawk Moth must've felt your anger and sent out and akuma to akumatize you!"
"Oh god." You said quietly.
"Think positive thoughts!" Luka said to you.

"Ahhh, this young girl is unable to control her emotions. Get closer akuma! Get past that blue haired boy and evilize her!"

The akuma started going around Luka, he was still trying to protect you from it.
"Luka it's no use! I can't do it!"
"Look y/n! Your the most amazing girl i've ever met! Your strong, gorgeous, funny and even more that I have no time to explain! You can do this. I believe in you!" You emotions started to slowly fade. But not quick enough, you and Luka got distracted by each other too much and the akuma went inside your phone as you held it.
Marinette and Alya came rushing down the stairs as they heard Luka screaming.

"What's going on!" Marinette shouted.
"She's been akumatized!" Luka shouted back at them.
"Uh- I'll go tell the others!" Marinette said running you the stairs. Alya was trying to help Luka get you to think positive thoughts. You was, you were thinking about all the fun times you had in Paris. It was no use....

"Possession theif, I am Hawk Moth..."

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