17. Nino's Return

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"Ow!" You screamed as you were awoken from Luka's bed by him throwing a pillow at you.
"My finger slipped." He smiled cheekily before walking off to the living room. It had been 1 week since you asked Luka to go to prom with you. Not only that, but today Nino was coming home from his trip to Dubai with his parents. You'd obviously never met Nino but from what Adrien, Alya and Marinette told you, he seemed like a really chilled out person. You and all your friends we're meeting at the park and wait for him at 10am. And the time now was...
"9:45AM! OH GOD!"

You quickly jumped out of Luka's bed putting on the hoodie that was hanging over his chair running through the living room stopping to grab your phone.
"Is that my hoodie?" Luka said as you grabbed your phone off the arm of the sofa.
"Sure is, now gotta run, see you tonight!" You didn't stop while you was talking since you were in such a rush. Luka chuckled shaking is head going back to making his breakfast as you ran up the stairs.

Your phone started ringing as you sprinted to the park. It was Marinette.

'Where are you! Nino should be here any minute!'
"Sorry I overslept! Luka didn't wake me up!"
'Oh yeah rely on your boyfriend to wake you up! Now hurry!"
"I'm nearly there!" You said hanging up the phone sprinting even fast.

Finally after about 5 minutes of sprinting (beat your record) you made it to the park just in time for Nino. This was pretty exciting for you since it was the first time you'd ever met Nino, you'd heard so much about him just never met him.
"Hey Nino?" Yous aid stepping through everyone.
"Sup dude. You must've that new kid y/n."
"Yeah that's me."
"Cool nice to meet you y/n!"
"You too Nino i've heard a lot about you."
"And I you."

Everyone went and sat and had a picnic that Marinette had set up for everyone, even Adrien was allowed to come which was a very rare occurrence. Luka was also there since Marinette thought it'd be cute for you both to spend the day together. Typical Marinette always giving advice when she can't even take her own!

The picnic was amazing! Most of the time you and Nino were chatting, getting to know each other a little better. The whole group had loads of laughs and story telling. You were so happy to spend the day with your friends and the boy you love. Nino's trip seemed very interesting. Every since you were little you hardly travelled because of how much your dad was working, your family just never had time.

The group talked a bit more before it was finally time for the surprise Alya had panned for Nino. Well by surprise I mean her PROMPOSAL! You were so happy that Alya let you take part in her promposal for Nino you'd all been planning it for the last week. Now that you think about it you kinda wish you did something special for Luka like Alya's doing for Nino.

Luka started softly playing his acoustic guitar as you and Marinette walked down the path of the park throwing rose petals on the aisle as you walk towards Nino. As you and Marinette got to the end where Nino was looking back at you both you held up a sign each Marinette's said 'Will you go to...' and your said '...prom with me?' Alya walked down the path meant with a heart shaped box of chocolates. This is prob sky the most romantic thing you've ever seen Alya do.
"Woah Alya." Nino said standing up, slowly walking towards her.
"So? Nino, will you go to prom with me?"
"Absolutely!" He gave Alya a big hug and your face lit up with a huge smiled. Everyone awed at the cute couple and then you all sat down to finish the picnic.

It was late now and everyone was starting to head home.
"Are you sleeping at mine again tonight y/n?" Luka asked you.
"Umm i'm not sure let me ask my mum."


Hey mum can I stay at Luka's again tonight please?

Again!? Y/n this is the 3rd night!

Please mum!

Fine but this is the last night! I want you home by 7pm tomorrow!

Thank you mum! I'll be there!!

You better be.

"She said I can't stay over tonight but tomorrow I have to go home." You said.
"Shame, anyways hop on and let's get back to mine."

You and Luka spent the rest of the day together. You baked cookies, a chocolate cake and made banana milkshakes. To be fair you probably had more food down you then you did in front of you after playing around with him.
"Hey y/n?" Luka said
"We've never been on an actual date so, join me tonight on the front of my boat for dinner." He smiled as did you.
"No no, I promise you'll be home before 7, meet me there at 5pm that's 2 hours! You can even go home and get ready."
"Alright, your lucky I lo- like the way you look.." You awkwardly chuckled.
that was close
"Uh okay, see you at 5!" He kissed you on your cheek before running up the stairs. You were finally going on your first proper date with Luka, hopefully all goes well...

{AN!~ Sorry for the long wait if this chapter i've been sick and always been sleeping!}

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{AN!~ Sorry for the long wait if this chapter i've been sick and always been sleeping!}

Lovestruck ~ Luka Couffaine X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now