6. Silencer

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A/n: This chapter is based off the episode 'Silencer' in Season 3 :)

"Silencer, I am Hawk Moth. Someone's trying to silence you about your music? Well i'm giving you to power to silence them! All I want in return is Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculous! Will you take my offer?"

He put on the mask and his whole body started filling with black smoke turning him into a supervillain with a helmet and mask over its face.
"I'll take your silence as a yes."

"L- Luka?" You watched at his body began to change and he walked up to XY and Bob Roth who were still arguing with you and Marinette about the video. He held his two fingers up to XY's mouth and shushed him with his other hand.

Something came out of his mouth, it looked like, a small ghost. It was purple and has XY's logo on it. Silencer sucked it into the side of his head, stealing his voice from him. XY tried shouting at him not realising his voice had gone from him. The whole room started screaming and ran out the room at that moment until it was only you left in the room. You had no idea where Marinette went, she has snuck off without you noticing. Silencer locked eyes with you and slowly started walking towards you. You were scared as hell and didn't know what to do, you took small footsteps back, absolute fear on your face and he got closer and closer to you. But, he stopped.

"Luka?" You said.
"I'm not Luka anymore. I'm silencer." He said, making his hand talk with XY's voice. "Don't worry y/n I would never hurt you. I'm going to make Bob Roth pay for what he did to you, Marinette and Kitty Section. Then justice will be served."
"Luka that's revenge! Not justice!"
"Don't worry y/n, i'm doing this for you, Marinette and Kitty Section. If revenge is what it comes down to then so be it." He ran out the bold red double door chasing after Bob Roth.

"Get out of here! It's not safe!" Came a voice from behind you. You turned around to see the same girl you saw at the carnival.
"Ladybug?" You said.
"That's right, now go find a place to hide! I'll take care of silencer." She span her yo-yo and began running to the door Silencer left in.
"Wait Ladybug!" You stopped her and she turned around to face you still with her yo-yo spinning.
"Save him, please. But don't hurt him." She smiled.
"Don't worry uhhh-" She stuttered not knowing your name.
"Don't worry y/n, we'll save your boyfriend." She ran out the doors before you could get out a sentence.
"He's not my... boyfriend." You tried to forget about Luka and Ladybug for a while and went on a hunt for Marinette. She wasn't answering your calls or your texts she was totally MAI. She just ran off when Luka was akumatized and hadn't shown her face since.
"Marinette! Marinette where are you!" You shouted walking up and down each of the corridors walking backwards.

"AHH!" You screamed after crashing into someone. Maybe it was Marinette?
"Luk- uh Silencer!" You said as you slowly turned around to look him in the eyes.
"Leave this building y/n, I don't want to mistake you for someone your not." He ran off chasing after Bob Roth who's as at the other end of the hallway. Ladybug wasn't close behind. She wasn't saying a word.
'Oh no please don't say Luka got her, please save him ladybug...'

You locked yourself in a small dressing room away from everything and continued texting Marinette.
Marinette! Answer me!

Where are you!

Are you hiding!? Please tell me your safe!

It was hopeless. She wasn't even reading them. All you could do now was wait until Ladybug and Cat Noir caught Luka's akuma.

"Hey where are we going!" A man screamed as Ladybug pulled him into the dressing room.
"Ladybug?" You said staying up coming out of the corner you were hiding in. She smiled at you not saying a word.
"This stupid kid was unable to do her job so she lost her voice." Bob Roth crossed his arms.
"Oh yeah? Well i'm sure she did a better job than you, you probably cried!" You mocked him by crossing your arms too. Ladybug gave you another soft smile and walked up to a lamp and blush that was sitting on the dressing table.
"A fake lucky charm! I though those were supposed to be magic or something but it's a dumb arts and crafts!" Bob was so clueless and stupid it was physically hurting your brain at this point.
"Bob if anyone's the dumb one it's you." You replied rolling your eyes at his idiotic words.
Ladybug winked at you after throwing a roll of tape at you. You nodded knowing just what she wanted you to do. You taped Bob Roth to the chair and Ladybug ran off to meet back up with Cat Noir.

"MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!" Those were the words that told you that Ladybug and Cat Noir had caught Luka's akuma. You ran out the dressing room to see Cat Noir and Ladybug with Luka who was back to his normal self.
"Luka!" You said running up to him giving him a big hug. "God you had me so scared." He smiled as he held you tighter in the hug.
"Okay well we'll leave-"
"Hey, kid! You locked me up and inprisoned me in a dressing room! Ha! The cat and bug got you didn't they." Both Roth said as he saw Luka in his normal self. "What did you think kid that i was gonna admit the truth? That I stole Kitty Sections song with your girlfriend's video!" You and Luka started snickering together. "What are you smiling at!"
"Your on the air Mr Roth. Everything you said was broadcasted live." Ladybug said pointing at the camera. Kitty Section had finally gotten the justice they deserved and got to preform live on TV.
"Anyways as I was saying i'll leave you and your girlfriend to catch up. Bug out!" Cat Noir and Ladybug both left the room leaving only you and Luka in there.

"Girlfriend?" He said.
"Yeah, she called you my boyfriend earlier. I didn't have time to correct her haha." He smiled at you.

Kitty section had a great performance on live TV. You and Marinette were so happy and proud of them all.

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