20. Prom Disaster

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"Ugh it's such a hard decision, they're all so pretty, but I always listen to my heart and my heart is telling me... they grey one. That's the one I want."
"Great choice y/n!"
"Omggg yes my favourite!"

The lady packaged up your dress and you paid with ur card as did the other girls.
"Okay girls so, spill. Who are you prom datesssss!!" You asked as you were all walking to Marinette's

'I'm going with Juleka!" ~ Rose
"Ivan asked me and of course I said yes!" ~ Mylene
"I- uh. Im going with Adrien" ~ Marinette
"Me and Nino automatically knew we were going together." ~ Alya

"Oh cool I'm happy for you all! Especially you Marinette!"
"You are you going with y/n?" Rose asked.
"Oh um, I'm going with Luka."
You were suddenly distracted by a buzz on your phone, speaking of the devil,it was a message from Luka.

Hey how was shopping? :)

It was good I got my dress and we're on our way to Marinette's now.

Ooo show the dress!!

Nu uh! You'll see on Saturday!

Alright we'll have fun at Marinette's stay safe i love you <3

I love you too, see you tonight?

Yeah, can't wait see you later :)

You put your phone away as you and the girls had made it to Marinette's, the ball was this Saturday so you were all planning out your hair and makeup, which took a few hours.....

~Saturday Night~
You stood infront of your mirror in your prom dress, your hair was done and your makeup was prefect, you were so happy with your dress and very excited to go to prom with Luka. Prom wasn't until 6pm so you waited until 5:30pm for Luka to pick you up (not on his bike this time).
The doorbell rang and you mum shouted you downstairs. There he was, the beautiful blue haired boy in a navy blue suit and tie, as you walked down the stairs his eyes glowed,
"You look beautiful," He smiled holding out his hand, in his hand was a wrist corsage, one of the most beautiful ones you've ever seen.

 There he was, the beautiful blue haired boy in a navy blue suit and tie, as you walked down the stairs his eyes glowed, "You look beautiful," He smiled holding out his hand, in his hand was a wrist corsage, one of the most beautiful ones you've e...

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"Oh my gosh Luka that's so pretty!"
"For you, darling." You held out your hand and Luka put the corsage around your wrist then took your hand, you said bye to your parents and you and Luka met your friends in the limo you'd all rented together.
The venue of prom was beautiful, there was sparking fairy lights, tables for punch and snacks, a DJ set Mr Damocles hired
"Wow this is so pretty!" You exclaimed as the music started, slow dances were later, right now was the 'upbeat' music. You and all your friends danced together for hours to the upbeat music, prom was going great, for now.

The upbeat music quickly changed into a slow, peaceful song. Luka stood in front of you and held out his hand.
"May I have this dance?" He smirked, you smiled and took his hand as he led you onto the dance floor, your arms around his shoulders and his arms around your waist.
As you looked around you saw Marinette and Adrien together dancing like they did at Chloe's party which Alya told you about.
"It's about time!" You said.
"What?" Luka was confused as he wasn't looking the same way as you.
"Marinette and Adrien." Luka looked over at where you was nodding to.
"Oh wow, I'm surprised Marinette can even get that close without freaking out."
"Haha yeah, I'm gonna go get a drink i'll be right back."
"Don't be too long! I look like a loner!"

As you headed over to the punch table Chloe was there alone, Sabrina was dancing with this kid she said she met in New York.
"Hey new kid, isn't that your boyfriend?" Chloe pointed to Luka.

You looked over and.... he was..
"What the ACTUAL FU-"
"Don't even think about it young lady." Mr Damocles interrupted. You went over to him and shoved Lila off of his grasp.
"Uh oh, someone's not very happy!" Lila chucked running away.
"Why Luka, what the HELL DID I DO WRONG!"
The music went off and everyone was looking at you and Luka.
"Y/n listen to me, there's a simple explanation you know i'd never willingly do that!"
"Do I Luka, part of me is thinking if i even know you at all!" Everyone, including Luka was watching you as you ran up the stairs to the school balcony. 
Luka began to follow you but Alya stood in front of him.
"No way Luka!" She said.
"I need to explain to her!"
"You've done enough!
"Alya. Move."
"No Luka she-"
"I SAID MOVE! I need, to talk, to my girlfriend."
"I would but give her space, talk to her another time."
"Alya that girl is everything to me! You don't understand I CAN'T LOOSE HER!"
"We'll maybe you should've thought about that before you kissed another girl!"
"That what I need to explain, I didn't."
"Luka, another time yeah? Let y/n calm down. Please?" Marinette stepped in.
"Fine." He said getting out of the crowd and sitting on one of the benches near the wall.
"Adrien where are you going?" Marinette said as she saw Adrien running off.
"I- uhhh- bathroom! Wont be a minute!"
Upstairs you could hear all the havoc breaking loose downstairs with Alya and Luka, even over your crying.
"Do I see a damsel in distress?" A voice came from behind you.......

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Lovestruck ~ Luka Couffaine X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now