5. Bob Roth

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Kitty section were playing their song down in the living room of the boat while you and Marinette were none stop checking your phone to see if XY had chosen your song and video.
"Hey y/n! Any word about the song?" Luka asked walking up to you and taking a seat on the sofa.
"No not yet." You replied.
"What if they didn't like our song." Marinette sighed putting her head down.
"I'm sure they haven't picked yet, it takes time when you do these things." You smiled at her placing your hand on her shoulder.

"Uh oh, you guys gotta see this." Ivan said looking out of the window. Everyone went up to the window and watched the live screen to see XY singing their song. The costumes the music everything, it was all the same.
"That's your music!" Marinette shouted angrily.
"That's your costumes!" Luka replied with the same angered tone.
"What the hell! That's not fair!" Everyone agreed with you.
"We have to have it out with Bob Roth and XY!" Marinette said.

You all made your way to the Tv Station where XY was performing but were stopped at the entrance by 2 bodyguards at the door.
"They're not here right now." One of them said.
"Uh, there on live screen." You said pointing up to the screen.
"Your not invited and the show already started." Marinette rolled her eyes while you had an idea. You whispered into Luka's ear your idea and he agreed to help you as did the others.

"AHHHH! HELP OUR FRIENDS BEEN AKUMATIZED AND CAT NOIR AND LADYBUG AREN'T HERE TO SAVE US!" Rose started screaming running from Ivan who's was faking to be akumatized. While the bodyguards were distracted by the girls screaming you, Luka and Marientte all snuck behind them inside. The building was huge, there was no way you were going to find Bob Roth and XY in that building.

You all stepped into the elevator taking you up a floor. You stepped out to see a slightly open red door with XY's voice coming from inside the room. You pointed to the door and the three of you crept over to peak through the small gap in the door.
"Hey that's Bob Roth." You said tapping Marinette on the shoulder.
"Bob Roth!" Marinette shouted to him and he turned around to the three of you. "That's Kitty Sections song, we're the one who sent you the video!" She continued as you all entered the room.
"What video?" He said.
"Your stupid competition!" You said walking up to him with your arms crossed. "You stole Luka's music!"
"Let me jog your memory a bit." Marinette held up the phone playing the video.
"Calm down, we may of been a bit. Inspired that's all." XY said taking off his mask.
"Inspired? You flat out stole! You didn't design this mask, Marinette did!" Luka shouted at him ripping the mask of the top of his head.

"Look all we want is for you to let Kitty Section appear on the show!" Marinette said in a sweet tone.
"Yeah yeah, first they'll wanna appear on the show then they'll want a record deal. Not happening kid!" Bob Roth replied to her.
"Your a horrible person Bob." You said with an angry tone.
"What are you gonna do about it kid? Say anything and I could ruin your career in a heartbeat!"

Luka was standing in the background getting angrier and angrier at Bob for what he was saying to you. The mask he was holding suddenly turned all black and a man started speaking in his face. 
"Silencer, I am Hawk Moth....."


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