"Well, where are you? I can pick you up." He said, obviously not picking up on what I meant. I could hear the worry in his voice, but it seemed like he was trying to stay strong for me.
"No, you don't understand." I say, hesitating.
"I want leave Korea.""Wait, Ari. Don't make any huge decisions like that. You've just begun your time here, what could possibly crush you enough to want to leave already."
I suppose he is right.
Like I've said before, I have wanted to come here for years. I continued to save money for this, eagerly waiting for the day that I would step out of a plane and onto the unfamiliar ground.I spent years learning the language and culture. It's not easy, but it was manageable. I set my mind on it, eventually making it a reality. Now I am fluent in the language, and living the culture.
I don't have to base the things I know on k-dramas anymore. Now I can say that I've lived with the people.This has been my dream, but now it is a reality.
But of course, nightmares are dreams too, and you can't always have good things. Sometimes things go wrong. Whether it's something small like this, or something bigger, it's bound to happen.You just have to learn from it and be thankful for the good situations.
My parents had offered to help me with the expenses, but I declined. Being the stubborn person that I am, I wanted to be able to say that I did it myself.
Then again, I'm not paying for school, they're helping with that. I guess I can't do everything on my own.
"Can you come over?" I ask, sniffling.
"I'll be right there." Sehun said and hung up the phone.
I sat up on my bed, waiting for him to arrive. It only took him ten minutes.
There was a knock on my door, so I called
'come inside'
and he emerged.Sehun saw my tear stained face and puffy eyes, and rushed to my side. He enveloped me in a hug, remaining silent.
He gently rubbed my back, instantly sending comfort. Sehun would mumble 'it's okay' every time I hiccuped with tears.
After I was calmed down to just staggered breathing, he let go and sat next to me. Taking a hold of my hand, he squeezed it tightly.
"I'm not going to tell you that you can't go home." He said. "But I just want you to think it over, before deciding that it's what you want."
"I know, and you're right. I guess I'm just overwhelmed." I respond.
And it was true. I thought that packing up my things and moving to another country would be easy. I thought that I could handle it.
I thought that I could put up with being alone.In a sense, I'm not really alone. I have Dongmei, Sehun, and I'm sure Luhan would be at my side if I needed it. I was even tempted to call Kris.
"That's completely normal. You're in a foreign country, surrounded by people you don't know." He assured.
"It's normal to feel overwhelmed. But that doesn't mean that you should leave.""Thank you, Sehun. I'll give it some thought."
He smiles when I squeeze his hand back.
"Is there anything else bothering you?" He asks, watching me intently.
"No." I lie.
Sehun's smile turns into a frown. "Tell me the truth."
"I don't want you to get angry."

Claimed [Kai Exo]
FanfictionMoving to a foreign country is frightening, let alone attending one of their most successful schools. But what's even scarier, is when you've been claimed.