Author's note:
Sorry for taking long with these updates! I've been busy doing reports and presentations for school. But I am on spring break now, so I will write more.
This will be a short chapter, since I want to post an update as soon as possible. And I didn't edit it...Sorry to disappoint T.T Forgive me?Anyway, thank you for 3K reads~
You are the best ^^Enjoy!
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I walked calmly, the pounding in my chest slowly retreating. The sun was almost fully set now, it's light no longer being provided. The street lights had turned on, and buildings along with cars were shining brightly.
My legs ached, and my lungs burned for air. When I left Kai's house, I noticed that his car was gone; which is why I ran all the way here.
Gingerly walking up to the front door, my shaky hand raised up to knock. I took a deep breath while waiting for an answer.
But five minutes passed, and there was still no answer. My eyebrows knit in confusion.
Peeking around to see the driveway, there are no vehicles-- his parents and brother are not home. But I know that he is, since I talked to him previously.
Scanning the surrounding areas, I try to see if Kai's car is anywhere in sight. There was a car parked farther away, but I couldn't tell if it was his.
Placing my hand on the door, I turn the knob to see if it was unlocked. Sehun wouldn't leave it unlocked.
The doorknob turned, slowly gliding the door open. The scent of his house filled my nose, and I stare at the inside.
Should I walk in?
What if Kai really isn't here?Shaking my head, I hesitantly walk in; not forgetting to shut the door behind me. There were muffled voices coming from upstairs, so my walking came to a halt. I stood stiffly in the middle of the living area, trying to listen.
It's almost as if I'm in a horror movie.
The voices weren't fully audible, but I could tell that it belonged to males. Taking yet another deep breath, I walk up the stairs.
The closer I came to Sehun's room, the more audible the voices became. Upon reaching his room, I balled my hand into a fist and knocked on the door.
The voices immediately stopped, silence overtaking the large home. I held my breath, waiting for them to finally open the door.
Footsteps neared the door, and it swung open. I stared at him silently. His lips parted; a distraught look in his eyes.
"Sehunnie," I whisper. His eyes twitch. "I need to talk to Kai."
"H-how did you know?" He whispered back, still managing to stutter. "And why are you here?"
"Let me in your room."
"Sehun," I warn. "Let me in."
His broad figure stepped aside, allowing me to see the guilty boy.Kai looked at me in awe, anger filling his brown eyes. He knew that he got caught, but he sure was angry.
"I told you not to follow me." he snaps, launching at me. Sehun misinterpreted Kai's action, shoving him away from me.
My eyes widen, observing Sehun. He thought that Kai was going to hurt me. I look to Kai, hoping that he hasn't been set off. His eyes glare at Sehun, silently sending hateful messages.

Claimed [Kai Exo]
FanfictionMoving to a foreign country is frightening, let alone attending one of their most successful schools. But what's even scarier, is when you've been claimed.