I felt something warm grasping onto my hand, so I forced my eyes open.
When my vision came into focus, I saw that it was Sehun. He was sound asleep in a chair next to the bed I am in, holding my hand tightly.Where am I, anyway?
I wanted to wake Sehun and find out what happened, but our linked hands were stopping me. He would unclasp our hands, and I don't want that. It is far too comforting.
Deciding that it was the best thing to do, I squeezed his hand.
"Sehun," I mumbled. "Wake up."
His eyes fluttered open.
"You're awake!" He said in relief, jumping up to hug me.
I started giggling and hugged him back.
"Yes, I am. But could you tell me what happened?"As soon as I said this, the door sprung open.
Sehun quickly let go of me, and my hand, looking down.It was Kai.
He cleared his throat, but I was focused the bag that was in his hands.Sehun muttered an 'I'll see you later' and reluctantly left the room.
As soon as he did, Kai looked into my eyes and smiled. "How are you feeling?"
I was surprised at this. I don't think that I have had an actual conversation with Kai yet. But hey, at least he is concerned about me...right?
"I am fine, just a little confused."
"What is confusing you?" He questioned, sitting on the chair that once had Sehun in it.
"Well, I don't exactly remember what happened..." I trail off.
"Oh, of course." he said in realization, and grabbed things out of the bag that he had been holding.
I wanted to ask him to continue talking, but he seemed pretty focused right now.
Plus, it's kind of scary talking to him. I never quite know what to say to him.He pulled out a drink, some chips, and a pill.
"Eat the chips. And take this pill after you are finished, it is a pain reliever for your head."
After handing me everything, he stood up. I thought he was going leave the room.
Instead, he walked over to me, putting his large hands behind my back and helping me to sit up. I winced at this.
My stomach felt bruised and my head still ached.
Kai's face softened once he saw me in pain. At least I have the medicine to take."Those girls...I took care of it." He said in anger.
"What are you talking about?"
"You don't remember anything?" I started to think.
Oh, right. Those females were jealous.
"Actually, I do remember it."
"Why were they picking on you?" He asked even though he probably knew the answer.
"I don't know." I lied.
"Hmm.." he hummed examining me. "Don't freak out, but I want to see your bruises. You passed out, so we couldn't really check."
"Yeah." He stated. I didn't realize that I had said this out loud, but he didn't seem to be phased by it. He was still set on checking on me.
I leaned back onto the bed, giving him better access. It sounds weird, but it doesn't feel like Kai is being a pervert. I can sense that he is genuinely concerned about me.

Claimed [Kai Exo]
FanfictionMoving to a foreign country is frightening, let alone attending one of their most successful schools. But what's even scarier, is when you've been claimed.