The loud buzz of my phone had caught my attention.
I am currently sat in my room since there is no school today. Teachers take occasional days off of school, but I don't really care for the reason. As long as I don't have to attend school I am fine.
Dongmei has treated me as a child today. She was really worried about my bruises, even thought I insisted that they are not a bother. I appreciate her care, don't get me wrong, but I don't need to constantly be waited on.
Grabbing my phone, I checked to see what kind of notification I had. It was a text.
[Unknown number: Hello, lovely ;) Just thought I should check on you. How are you? Are your bruises healing? Text me back.]
Unknown number? I raked my brain for who this could be. There's only a few possibilities it could be, considering two things: 1) there's a wink face 2) they asked about my bruises.
"Dongmei," I yelled. She came rushing in.
"What, what's wrong?"
"Do you know this number?" I asked.
"Aish, girl. You had me worried."
"I thought something was wrong." She said, snatching the device from my hands. What would be wrong?
She hummed, deep in thought. "I don't know the number. It's probably Sehun or Kai..." She trailed. "Just text them back."
"Not even asking who it is?" I questioned.
"Mm, just ask how they got your number." She grinned mischievously. This girl really enjoys staring trouble.
"Tsk. Must everything be a game for you, Dongmei?" She nodded vigorously, handing the phone back to me. I took it and replied.
[How did you get my number?]
May as well get straight to the point.
"Now we wait." She said, taking a seat on my desk chair.
Within seconds, my phone buzzed again.
[Unknown number: Hmm not even going to tell me how you are? I got your number while you were asleep. You should really put a lock on your phone ;)]
"Wow, someone's eager." She stated, reading over my shoulder.
"Can't I just ask who it is?"
"If you haven't figured out that it's Kai, I seriously worry about you." She said and chuckled. "Anyway, I'll leave you to your love affair. Call for me if you need anything." She winked, walking off.
I sighed and texted back, [I am doing well. Maybe you should stop stalking me, yeah?]
[Unknown number: Yah! It's not stalking. Meet me in the dining area.]
[Right now? But why?]
[Unknown number: Enough with the questions. Don't keep me waiting ;) ]
Ah, so many winks from this guy. Should I really go to the dining room? What if it's actually a serial killer?
I really need to stop thinking things like that. Chuckling to myself, I looked down at my outfit: leggings and a sweater.
"Dongmei, I'm going out. I'm not sure when I'll be back, but I'll text you." I said while walking towards the door.
"Sneaking out to see him already?" She joked, making me let out an exasperated sigh.
"Kidding, have fun. But not too much fun." She winked.

Claimed [Kai Exo]
Fiksi PenggemarMoving to a foreign country is frightening, let alone attending one of their most successful schools. But what's even scarier, is when you've been claimed.