"Oh shit," I heard Kai breathe out.
But I couldn't tell if it was a sense of relief, or not."Why so tense? Lighten up," the voice spoke again, causing my eyes to narrow.
"Come inside," Kai replied lowly, followed by the door clicking shut.
"Is Ari here?" they asked, but received no response. Maybe Kai nodded.
But it was then that I recognized who this voice belonged to.
"Chanyeol," I mutter while bringing a palm to my face. I can't believe that we got so worked up over the harmless boy.
Their footsteps neared the other room, making it more challenging for me to listen.
"Who is outside?" Chanyeol inquired.
"What do you mean?" Kai shot back, anxiety dripping from his tone. "That's not your car?"
"Psh, I wish," retorted Chanyeol.
"I need you to tell me who that is."
"If I knew, Kai, I would tell you."
Growing restless, I start to squirm around. It's difficult to stand on a staircase and strain my hearing to listen to this low conversation.
"Chanyeol, I need you to go upstairs and make sure that Ari doesn't hear a thing."
My jaw drops slightly and my ears perk up."Why can't she hear anything?"
"It's better that way. I know exactly who this is, and it won't be fun."
The minute I heard Chanyeol obeying Kai's orders, I darted up the remaining steps.
Unfortunately, I didn't make it in time.
Chanyeol caught me as soon as I had pushed open Kai's bedroom door."Well," he snapped jokingly.
Nonetheless, it still made me leap from my skin. "What do we have here?""Chanyeol," I scold through a whisper, placing a hand over my heart. "You gave me a shock."
"Sorry, dear. Anyway, I think that you're already supposed to be in there," he proposed, peeking into the bedroom.
He walked in, as I followed closely behind. I watched as he shut the door behind me, not forgetting to lock it.
I guess I never noticed that Kai's door has a lock on it.
"Wanna play a game?" He inquired, eyes lighting up.
I giggled at the boy who represents a child."How can you be so positive in this situation?" I question back.
"This situation..." he repeated my words, trailing them off. "What is it exactly?"
Sighing lightly, I shrug and walk over to the window. I peel back the curtains while peeking outside.
The streets are dimly lit, allowing the shiny black car to be in view. It's parked far enough away from Kai's home that no one would feel suspicious.
"Do you see them?" Chanyeol questioned, coming up behind me.
"Who is it?" I inquire back.
"I can't tell you."
Just then, a loud slam caught our attention. His eyes briefly met mine, perfectly mimicking the fear that I was feeling.
I can't figure out what it sounded like, but I know that I don't like it.
"Shh," he hushed, pulling me into his chest.
The sound of his pounding heart distracted me momentarily as he stroked my hair."What about Kai?" I whisper into his shirt.
Chanyeol didn't answer. Instead, he walked me over to the bed, and sat me down."We have to wait," he mumbled, eyes darting across the room.
"I'm worried-"
"Shut up, Ari."
My vision followed him, as he paced back and forth. I knew that he was just as clueless as I am, but he didn't want to show it.
Maybe frantically walking around a room isn't the best way to hide it, though.After a few minutes, he let out a deep sigh.
"Okay," he began. "We're going to go downstairs now. If Kai isn't there, then-""Wait!" I exclaimed, dashing back to the window. My ears were pierced with the sound of screeching tires against pavement.
The car sped off into the night, no longer in view.
"They left," Chanyeol stated the obvious.
"Do you think that they have Kai?" I blurt.
"Well, stop standing there. Let's go check!"
Once again, it felt like my world had stopped. With each step I took, it didn't fail to feel like I was in slow motion. It's almost a repeat of the time when Kai was in the hospital.
When we reached the kitchen, again, my fears were confirmed; Kai was nowhere to be found.
I stand in a daze as Chanyeol seeks his car keys, hoping to find this mysterious group of people.
He shouted at me to come, and I obeyed.We, like the shiny car, sped off into darkness.
We will find you, Kai.* * *
Hi, yes I still exist.
I would like to apologize (again) for taking about a month to update.The problem is, I have been going through some personal things. I was too distracted to write decently, and I'm very sorry.
I'm still dealing with a few problems, but I am trying my best to provide good chapters for you.
I also did not edit this chapter. I hope there is not any errors. (≧∇≦)
Thank you for being so supportive and patient, it really makes me feel better.
Continue to message me, comment, and vote.
Thank you ♡

Claimed [Kai Exo]
FanfictionMoving to a foreign country is frightening, let alone attending one of their most successful schools. But what's even scarier, is when you've been claimed.