Chapter Twenty Six: Spawn Of Satan

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As usual it was a peaceful morning where the sunlight fell upon the houses and skyscrapers, peeping through the windows and curtains shining brightly indicating that a new day has arrived.

Not being bothered by the light which was disturbing his beauty sleep the ravenette continued to squirm under the blanket hoping it would go away. The man had no intention on waking up any time soon and face the world outside.

He opened one of his eyes as he felt someone's presence near him and saw a beautiful blue haired angel standing in front of him. Because his vision was blurred due to sleepiness the angel's face was not clear. It seemed like the angel was smiling warmly at him. How heavenly.

It was until he was met with a sudden waterfall straight to his face. The ravenette jumped up and gasped for air at the sudden attack. All his sleepiness seemed to have vanished as he looked around furiously only to find the blue hair angel standing there with an empty bucket. He had a wicked grin plastered on his face which the ravenette earlier mistook as a warm smile

And the angel? Well, the beautiful angel he described earlier was not an angel at all. In fact if the devil had a reincarnation in the modern era the man standing in front of him would be without a doubt, the devil in disguise.

"WHAT THE HELL TAEHYUNG!!" the ravenette shouted at the male who in return just continued to smile.

"well, my dear husband it's already 8 am and you were still sleeping like a dead corpse so as a responsible spouse that I am I woke you up so you won't be late" taehyung replied innocently

"yeah by dumping a full bucket of water over my head! Are you out of your mind!" the ravenette yelled

"Jungkook, I am just being nice so you should thank me for waking you up" the male grinned not at all affected by the raging man in front of him

"cut the crap taehyung I know you did this as a revenge for putting cockroach inside your hoodie" jungkook said

"honey, I would never take revenge for your childish acts I know you are still growing up so respect your hyung" taehyung gasped dramatically

"seriously, you are the one to call me a child? You are no better than me. Messing up my peaceful sunday morning" jungkook exclaimed and plopped back on to the bed

"uh.. Jungkook I know I said that I won't take any revenge but the thing is.... I may or may not have messed up your calender and planner. Today is Monday and you have thirty minutes to go to work" the blue haired male giggled before running away

The younger's eyes widened in horror as he checked the day and realised that the spawn of satan did mess up his calendar. Shit.

He didn't bother to brush his teeth and wash up before running out of the house wearing pyjamas.

Ah not forgetting to yell "I hate you taehyung" to the older who stood there dancing at his small victory

Luckily the idol reached the company on time but throughout the way the staff was trying to hold their laughter looking at the male who seemed to be coming from a war. Hair disheveled, in his wrinkled blue pyjama and his profound half asleep face

"Whoa whoa why do you look like you just came straight from your bed Jungkook" Yoongi asked amused at the younger's look

"because I did. That little devil friend of yours messed up my schedule and dumped water on my head" Jungkook said pointing his finger at the blonde haired male

"if taetae did it then you must've done something to annoy him" Jimin said with a bored expression even though he wanted to laugh at the enraged maknae

"if taetae did it then you must've done something to annoy him" the younger copied him comically before going with the staff to change from his pyjama

"DON'T FORGET TO BRUSH YOUR TEETH TOO" Jin shouted behind the younger who just shook his bum in return

Meanwhile, the person who caused all this walked through the corridor of the hospital with a big smile adorning his face. Everyone around him smiled unknowingly seeing the happy bluehead. Lisa looked at him and he waved his hands cutely making her coo.

"Hey tae, why do you look so happy today" she asked pinching his cheeks

"I watered a plant today" he stated making her confuse

"you are smiling so much because you watered a plant today?" she enquired

"I don't know I just feel happy" he said but Lisa knew there was more to it but she didn't mind as long the smile was there on his face

"Hmm sure. Anyway I have to go the B block for my duty so see you later" with that she left. Taehyung knew she didn't have duty at B block and she just wanted to give an excuse to go and meet Chae. So the male just nodded before going to his duty

After the last time it has become an everyday thing for the ravenette to pick the blueberry from work. Everyday he finishes his work early so that he could join Mr. Lim who was more than glad to drop the couple home while listening to their bickering throughout the ride

They both parked the car near the hospital waiting for the bluehead to arrive. As they were waiting the younger had a sour expression and Mr. Lim bit his lips trying not to laugh thinking about the morning incident. The younger saw how he was trying not to laugh and narrowed his eyes

"You were the only one left to laugh at me Mr. Lim and now you did too" he rumbled making the other laugh

His laughter was interrupted by the bluehead who got in the car and sat next to the grumpy male

"why are you laughing Mr. Lim and why is this muscle bunny glaring at me" Taehyung asked looking at Mr. Lim and the younger

"well, I was talking about this morning" Mr. Lim answered while driving

Taehyung looked at the younger who was looking everywhere except at him with an annoyed face but the bluehead knew the younger was being playful

"Are you mad at me jerkook" he nudged the male but got no response

"Come on, look at me. I know you are not angry so stop acting" he poked the younger's side brining a small smile to male's face but still he didn't move or speak

"Okay fine! I am sorry please forgive me. Now talk to me" the older was unknowingly whining which Jungkook found to be too cute

"I won't" he stated

"Then what will make you forgive me" the older asked with a little pout

"will you do whatever I ask" the younger asked. Taehyung was skeptical about this but somehow he couldn't stand being ignored by the younger so he agreed

"Yes I will. Now tell me" he said

"Go on a date with me" the ravenette looked straight into his eyes

Mr. Lim was sure he saw Taehyung froze like an ice but he too was shocked at the sudden demand from the younger. He wanted to turn around and record this moment of the couple but he stayed professional and looked straight at the front giving them privacy

"What" after a few seconds the seemed to be frozen male asked

"Go on a date with me blueberry" the younger repeated very clearly. There again the bluehead saw the same emotion in his eyes which he couldn't decipher. He for once knew the younger was not being playful and looking at him he gave the answer

"If you will talk to me then I will" he said

"only because you want me to talk to you" the younger teased while the other blushed

"shut up! I am just being nice"

"sure my blueberry"

And just like that Mr. Lim smiled while driving them to their 'home'

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