Chapter Thirty six : Taekook Forever

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"So you guys finally decided to confess huh" a very happy Jimin exclaimed while hugging his best friend and their maknae

"We could already see how much whipped you are for each other and now that it's official I am sure we all will be witnessing painfully lovesick fools" Yoongi teased with a narrowed eyes but a smile was visible on his face as he felt happy for the younger duo

"remember the days when they used to annoy each other. Even Bang PD-nim was lowkey aware of this but I remember him saying 'they are made for each other' " he added

"I know right! This brat was really annoying" Tae commented making his husband gasp dramatically

"I was annoying?! You were too! You traitor, we just confessed our love and the next thing you do is this?! How could you blueberry" Jungkook exaggerated holding his chest

"Oh shut up Jerkook, just because I love you doesn't mean you are not an overgrown bunny" and that was the start of another bickering between them

"Ha! you know what? I love you more but you are like a whiny puppy who gives puppy eyes just because you didn't get enough cuddles"

"Oh boy. You are dead Jerkook! I love you the most but you are just a mere little baby who can't live without his banana milk a day" Tae shot back

"Wha-" Jungkook was about to reply but was interrupted by an annoyed Namjoon

"Okay Okay kids! We get that you both are annoying so now we should get back to practice" he announced and the others sulked because they wanted to see more of the drama

"hyung is right, I have to leave for work too" The bluehead announced making his husband whine

"but you just got here" Jungkook murmured like a kid

"No its been two hours kook, Lisa said she'll handle my work in my absence but I can't take advantage of that. I still have duties" he replied and everyone could see how the ravenette looked like a kicked puppy

Soon the others went to resume the practice after hugging the bluehead but the maknae stayed back with his husband as he wanted to make sure his blueberry reached the parking lot safely... Or for something else too

They both walked out of their room holding hands which made the older blush. When they reached the elevator which was empty the Idol pulled his husband by the waist making him fall on chest with a gasp


The bluehead couldn't complete as he felt the ravenette's lips against his with urgency. He was turned to face the Idol as his back was now pressed against the wall while the his tattooed arm sneaked inside his loose shirt

Kissing the ravenette was something that the older could never get used to because no matter how much they devoured each other's taste it will never quench their thirst instead only making them want more

Without hesitation he kissed back with the same urgency as his fists curled on the younger's hair. The tattooed arm now caressing his tummy making him moan in ecstacy

Hearing the beautiful sound made by his ethereal husband the younger couldn't hold himself back and his head dived into the male's neck biting and sucking the honey skin making sure to leave marks

"You are mine Tae. Only mine Right?" he whispered against the bluehead's skin who hummed in return unable to find words as the only thing he could feel was the younger's hand on his body kneading and caressing the skin under his shirt

"say it baby, I want to hear it. I want to hear it from your beautiful mouth" the possessive whisper against his skin making him obey. It wasn't a forceful command nor was it controlling but what made him comply was the raw emotions behind those words which was nothing but love and admiration

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