Chapter Four: Travel Destinations

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After talking for a while and having breakfast Sung-ho left to his friend's place to give Jimin and me some space

I baked some cupcakes for the mochi who will be arriving soon. Cupcakes always made him happy and I love to see him happy. I was in the kitchen when the doorbell went off and I knew the mochi arrived

As I opened the door I was met with Park jimin standing there with a huge smile wearing cute yellow hoodie sweatshirt and blue jeans holding a couple of shopping bags. His blonde curly hair covering his forehead

"Taehyung-ah" he rushed towards me for a hug leaving the bags there

"Jimin-ah" I reciprocated the same way crushing each other with the hug

"Taetae, I missed you so much" he said clinging on me and I didn't let go just like him. His hugs never fail to comfort me and I missed this really bad

"I missed you too Jiminah and you grew taller than last time when I saw you" I commented and ruffled his curly hair

"do you think so"

"Yeah I think so" I said which made him happy

"thank you taetae, its the insoles though. I brought souvenirs from the places I visited during the tour. I know you like collecting those" he grinned and pushed me away happily making his way to the apartment leaving me and the bags

I picked all of them and went inside to see him sitting on the sofa and munching on the cupackes

"tae, thish is sho goood" he said with his mouth full of cupcakes and I couldn't help but laugh at his childishness

"I know I made it for you" I replied sitting next to him wrapping my arms around him

After finishing the cupcakes he turned at me for another hug

"tae, it's been really long since I last saw you. I sometimes feel like kidnapping you and keeping you inside my room forever" he said with a pout

"Jiminah, I would love to be kidnapped by you but I have to work you know besides I don't want to see the unholy things between you and your boyfriends so I am not risking my eyes" I teased

"Yah! Don't say things like that" he blushed

"yeah yeah chim is no longer innocent. Oh wait, you were never innocent you little devil" I laughed as he playfully hit me with his small hands

"like you never did anything with your boyfriend. We both never were or are innocent taetae" he said flicking back his imaginary long hair

"anyway how's everything going with yoongi and hoseok" I asked making him smile shyly

"it's really great, they love me and take care of me like I am a baby and I love them even though sometimes I am really exhausted after they continuously fu-"

"TMI TMI TMI" I yelled and cover my ears making him laugh

"just kidding taetae. It's really great and how's your boyfriend. Are you okay. Does he take care of you like a king. Should I punch him on the face" he turned serious. That's the one thing about him, one minute he is all laughs and giggles and the next he is serious and intimidating

"whoa whoa there's no need to punch anyone chim and yeah he is taking care of me. Everything is good so keep those tiny hands away from my boyfriend's face" I answered

"okay then I was ready to kick hi- KIM TAEHYUNG is that an engagement ring I see!" he said with wide eyes looking at the ring

"uh... Well.. I was about to tell you and I forgot about it... S.. Sorry" I mumbled looking down avoiding the eye contact

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