Chapter Thirty Two: Kiss

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"so that's all about our dearest couple and- wait the comment section is going crazy. What happened? Oh- the fans wants to see you two kiss"

as the MC went through the comments and read it the two of them became flustered immediately

"Is... Is that allowed" Jungkook asked looking at his staff but they all had a smile while some of them nodded

"Yes it is allowed since all the fans are asking it. So if it is not too much please grant their wish" MC asked looking at the idol who seemed to be contemplating his every life decisions and the bluehead was looking everywhere other than the ravenette's face

After a few moments of thinking the idol held his husband's his hand and pulled him closer. The doctor still had a red hue spread over his cheeks making him look more angelic. Even though they did kiss each other's cheeks and forehead they never went far as they didn't want to cross any boundaries but both of them had this want deep inside them.

The idol looked at the bluehead's face looking for any sort of discomfort but he found none. And before he could loose this chance he held the male's chin gently and leaned in until their lips met

It was the first time both of their lips met and that fact had both of them frozen internally. So it was a light peck before they both pulled away.

To say the comment section blew up would be an understatement because just after this happened the live streaming abruptly stopped because the app itself crashed. This was the cue for the couple to get out of there as they both could feel the warmness in their cheeks as if it was a permanent thing.

With the help of the staff they changed to their previous outfit and went to the parking lot where Mr. Lim stood there waiting for them with a knowing smile. Without saying anything both of them got in the car.

Throughout the ride the couple avoided looking at each other as the ravenette scrolled through his phone absentmindedly while the bluehead looked out through the window. But still the shy smile they both had on their faces were hard to miss.

It was after half an hour that they reached their apartment. Instead of saying bye to the ravenette as usual Mr. Lim winked at him making the younger chuckle

As they entered the apartment the blueberry turned to escape to his room but all his plan went in vain as Jungkook held his hand preventing him from leaving. He pulled the older closer and turned the male so that they were facing each other but he looked down avoiding meeting the younger's eyes

"Where do you think you're going blueberry" the idol rasped raising the heartbeats of the bluehead uncontrollably

"Jungkook" Tae whispered and the younger hummed in return while his right thumb brushing on the male's soft cheeks

"Why are you looking at me like that"


"Like.. Like you want... Like you want to kiss me again" Tae mumbled loud enough for both of them to hear

"Is it wrong Blueberry.. This want to kiss you. Tell me if I am wrong for wanting it"

"No. Never"

"Then I won't lie to you, I want to kiss you Tae and I am dying to do that for so lon-" he abruptly stopped as the bluehead placed his lips on top of the younger's ones leaving the words incomplete

Tae pressed his body onto the younger's and without wasting any second the male pulled him closer kissing back with hunger lacing his touches. Jungkook roamed his hands around Tae's lower back and then towards his stomach gently.

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