Chapter Twenty Seven: Fight

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"kook, you're skipping your steps like a kid" an amused hoseok pointed out

"I know"

"you are smiling too much"

"I know"

"you were daydreaming the whole day"

"I know that too"

"Okay. Stop. Now tell us why you are behaving this creepy" yoongi demanded with narrowed eyes even though he was feeling good seeing the younger smiling

The said male didn't answer but kept on smiling and checking his phone to see the time

It was a normal day for the group. Daily choreography practices and recordings but unusually the younger seemed to be in a good mood the whole day. Not making fun of Jimin, listening to everything that's said, even bought them drinks. And obviously everyone was confused why the bratty kook was being like this

And not to mention he kept on checking the time and doing his work to finish early

"I have a date with tae" it was said in a small voice that if they were not paying not attention they would've missed it

"what? You have a date with taetae!" Jimin was the first one to react and the younger nodded smiling

"Wow finally. I was waiting for one of you to take the first step and I'm proud of you" he said hugging the maknae

"is that why you're checking the time every ten seconds" Jin teased

"yeah. I have to pick him up from work so I'm trying to complete my work before that" the younger answered

"fine, two more hours and you can go. Now come we can do the rest of the choreography"

All of them happily continued their practice while watching the hyper active male who seems to be high on sugar. And soon the two hours went by and the younger didn't waste any time before running out after changing his dress leaving all of them laughing at his antiques

The ravenette drove to the hospital to pick his husband from work. He parked the car at the same hidden spot waiting for the bluehead to arrive

The wait seemed to be too long but still he stayed in the car. Almost after one hour the bluehead was yet to come so he became impatient and went to his office

Once he reached the place he heard laughter and talking. As he entered the room he saw the bluehead doctor talking to some other man in a white coat just like the bluehead. The male seems to be handing a single rose to the older which somehow made the younger very much angry

But before he could do something the bluehead took the rose from the other make and smiled in return. He was so angry by now that he chose to turn and walk away

The bluehead was cursing himself when he stood there and listened to the chief doctor going on and on about his upcoming proposal to his girlfriend. The doctor was so excited acting out his future courting that he failed to see how the bluehead was forcing out smiles and laughs

"and then I'll give this rose to her ask her to be my woman" the doctor said happily giving the flower to taehyung who took it and smiled bitterly. The male just wanted to run to his jerkook and go home after the long and not to forget their date which made him feel giddy throughout the day. He was ready with his bag to leave and just needed to get away from the male in front of him

He was about to say that he has to leave when he spot a moving figure that very much resembled his husband and that figure and a really angry face. He checked his watch eyes widened seeing he was one hour late

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