Chapter Twelve: The Perfect Couple

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"so what should we do"

The newly married couple were now at the airport along with their family and friends about to board the plane to go back. As soon as the couple agreed to everything they all packed wanting to go home as soon as possible

"when we land in Incheon it will be packed with media, fans and reporters so you guys should act like the loving couple coming back from a romantic wedding with their close friends and family" Jin explained and the both males rolled their eyes

"don't roll your eyes at me you disrespectful rats and now listen. The media will probably follow you till you reach home for as they already know the address of your penthouse. So you both will go straight to there" he continued

"wait. I am supposed to go to his house" the blue haired male asked to the older male

"Yeah they are waiting to snap pictures of the newly wed couple. You can't go separate ways after reaching there as you guys are married" the dark haired older replied as a matter of fact

"Nope. Not a chance. I won't go with him. If they question then we can explain that I had some things to get from my previous apartment and I went to sort some things there" he reasoned not liking the idea of staying with his 'husband'

"what? You are afraid of me. Oh come on you are not my type blueberry I won't even touch you when I wouldn't have to pretend. Don't worry" the ravenette smirked and the other just gave him a disgusted look

"Jungkook please don't start now. Tae, yes you have to stay with him atleast for a week until all of this calm down. Armies are intelligent and they will find some ways to bring out the truth. We are hanging on a thread of lies so there is no way we can add another one" Jin stated

"but how long we will do this before they find out. Jungkook tagged me in his post so they will find my account and also my relationship with Sung-ho. They don't know the truths so I will be called names for leaving my boyfriend for another man" he said worried about the consequences

"We will go on as long as we can till it reach one year. And about your account, you said that it was private and there was nothing much except your couple photos with that dude so I called our media technicians and deleted the account so don't worry" jimin said comforting his best friend

"I love you jimine" the male hugged his best friend thankful for saving him

"I love you too" the short male replied hugging him back. The ravenette just rolled his eyes at the other two not interested in their cute friendship

"anyway we are now boarding so keep the things in mind. Tae you are sitting with jimin and kook you are with namjoon and me. But as soon as we land stick together and act like newly wed couple" the older instructed and the younger ones nodded their head

Soon they left to their homeland where everyone is waiting for them eagerly

Twelve hours later at Incheon Airport

As soon as they landed the couple stood beside each other as decided and walked to the entrance where the media was waiting. The elder ones nodded in encouragement looking at them hoping everything would go well before walking behind and in front of then acting naturally

The younger wore black t-shirt and ripped jeans with a black long coat with a beanie and his favourite timberlands giving him a perfect boyfriend(husband) look. Whereas the older wore a simple maroon sweater with black jeans and a black beret with black boots making him look more ethereal than he already is

As soon as the couple reached the entrance the camera flashes and lights went off blinding their vision along with screams and cheers of the fans waiting for them with a big banner saying "WELCOME BACK AND HAPPY MARRIED LIFE JUNGKOOK💜" bringing a small smile to the idol's face at this heartwarming gesture

They walked together through the crowd with the help of the bodyguards. While walking the ravenette heard the reporters and fans commenting

"whoa, look at that. He is so beautiful"

"how long were jungkook hiding this beauty"

"wow is he real"

"they look great together"

"damn they both are lucky"

"can I ask jungkook to give him to me. I will take care of him"

The comments made him smile knowing he had his fans accepted them together without any hate so he decided to do some fan service.

He wrapped his arms around the older's waist bring him more closer not leaving any space between them earning a questionable look from the other but soon smiling back lovingly and leaning onto the younger's shoulder but internally rolling his eyes. The perfect couple

The crowd cheered at this and their friends who knew the truth just looked astonished at the couple's acting skills

Soon after that they left the airport to Jungkook's penthouse. Their house from now on

When they reached there as expected there were reporters scattered around the parking lot and nearby places trying to get a glimpse of them

The ride was silent as it was just the two of them who were exhausted from all the traveling. When they reached reached the apartment the ravenette entered the house and older followed him behind

"Damn...this place is huge. Are you sure you were the only one staying here before. A big ass family could fit in here" the older commented looking around at the grand apartment as soon as they entered

It was fully modern designed and with plain white walls and brown couches and curtains along with modern lightings. It had the perfect view of Seoul from the glass wall that faced towards the city. Everything was elegant and expensive

"I know. Hana wanted a big house and there were a lot of options but this was comparatively the smaller one I could find. Anyway, make yourself comfortable blueberry" the younger explained

"yeah sure, anyway it is very clean here. Do you have OCD? There's not even a speck of dust" he asked sitting down

"No I dont, I like it clean not too shabby. Here it is mostly clean because I rarely lived here after I bought it. I stay at our dorm most of the time"

"Yeah okay. So, which room should I stay in" the older asked

"there are two three room's here. Two upstairs and one down. The first one upstairs is mine and the second one is vacant there so use it" he said

"what about the one downstairs. Should I have to stay next to your room"

"uh.. You can't you that"

"why is that your playroom" the blue haired teased

"what? No! You pervert I renovated it so now it is my studio for recording and all. What kind of movies y do you watch" the younger gasped

"After seeing this huge and expensive building you can't blame me for thinking that you are Christian Grey 2.0" the older said wiggling his eyebrows in a funny way whereas the younger just gave an uninterested expression

"You are weird" he commented

"Says you dude. Now come and help to the luggage"

"nope. Take your stuff upstairs on your own. I won't help I am going to my room so have fun with that" the younger said and ran of to his room with his bag easily. Curse his muscles the older thought

"the kitchen is fully equipped and you'll find everything needed in the fridge and there's also a gym if you want" he shouted from upstairs

"Yah Jerkook! Come and help me its heavy" he yelled holding one of his heavy bags trying to lift it up through the stairs

"help yourself blueberry! Good night!" heard the younger shouting

"jerk" muttered the older somehow reaching his room and slamming the door shut

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